Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Small Party Place Bangalore

What is sephiroth?

Sephiroth, Sephiroth or Sephiroth (סְפִירוֹת), singular: Sephirah, or even Sefirah (סְפִירָה "enumerate" in Hebrew).

Sefirot The word is linked, according to the Sefer Yesirah with sefer (write), Sefar (statement) and sippur (discourse), which derive from the same root SFR

Kabbalh The Sephiroth in Hebrew, are the ten attributes of God (which is referred to אור אין סוף Ain Soph Aur , "Light Without Limits ") through which he can project to the world and mankind. The Sefirot are not intended as grades on a scale ranging from divinity to the world, are considered more as the degrees of the divine life within God Himself, we must remember, however, as the Zohar are the creative world of the word or the world of Names of God

L'Albero della Vita

The Sephiroth are 10 and each has its own attributes:
  1. Keter: The Crown, the Volotà First, the Divine Nothing
  2. Hokhmah : The Wisdom, The Beginning - The Point of Departure, The First Appearance of God discernible, the male principle of God, the Father Superior that fertilizes the next Sephirah.
  3. Binah: The Intelligence, the female principle of God, the womb from which the rest of the Divine Life and Land.
  4. Hesed or Gedullah : benevolence, clemency, mercy, love.
  5. Geburrah or Pahad or Din : Power, Terror, The Penalty, The Reckoning.
  6. Tif'eret or Rahamin : Beauty, Compassion, Harmony Principle.
  7. Nesah : Eternity, duration, Victoria.
  8. Hod: The Glory, The Majesty, The Reagalità.
  9. Yesod: The Foundation, The Right.
  10. Malkut or Sekinah : The Kingdom, The Presence, is the latest Sephirah, the only accommodation.

"Yours, O Lord, is the magnitude ( Gedullah ), power ( Geburah ), beauty ( Tif'eret ), victory ( Nesah ) and the majesty (Hod ), because all (Qol - title of Yesod), in heaven and on earth is yours. O Lord, Thine is the kingdom ( Mamlahah - another name of Malkuth), you are he as you raise the head ( Ro's - the three sephiroth above) about anything ".


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