Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Heal Gums After Veneers?

I'll tell you a story ... De retour

The genesis of the "Legend of Hiram" is lost in the mists of time and vain is the search for historical sources, because it has been passed down orally and is not known to the author of this deep assumption that is certainly not drawn from the Bible, where Hiram is remembered only as a brilliant artist, founder of the two famous columns and capitals of the Temple, and the "Sea of Bronze, but it is not mentioned as a wonderful enterprise architect responsible for the construction of the Temple to the Lord and head of an immense group of workers.
Hiram, whose Hebrew name means "High", is the Man par excellence, which was received by the virtue, the highest degree of moral nobility and as such considered a model of souls, a great initiative started.
He Tiriano a son and a widow of tribe of Naphtali, who knew the use of metals and famous architect, had won the esteem and respect for the king of Tyre, bearing the same name, from which he called "Father."
When King Solomon decided to erect a temple to the Lord, turned to Hiram, who was appointed project manager and had the necessary powers to execute the monumental work.
Hiram had placed under its 183,000 workers, called "followers", or "initiative" that came from all parts of the world and therefore speak all languages.
the morning, Hiram used to gather the multitude of workers and a nod to these pre-flocked bright horizon on three sides, and forming a siding mosaic of human heads.

For another sign, all the workers turned to Hiram, who with his open hand marked a horizontal line, by means of which it was dropping a perpendicular line contained two right angles like a team mark with which the Syrians recognize the letter "T".
At this the crowd waved signs such as wheat in the wind.
workers, divided into Apprentices, Companions and Masters knew some words, certain signs and tokens, according to the class to which they belonged, in order to recognize each other, and receive the due reward according to type of work performed. Apprentices receive his salary at the Column "B", the Companions at the Column "J" located each to the north and south of the entrance of the temple, which opened to the west. The Masters instead withdrew their compensation in the middle chamber. The name of the column
Apprentice meant "Strength", one of the Companions "Wisdom."
After about seven years of existence, the building of the Temple was drawing to a close and can be accessed through three doors: one at noon reserved for Apprentices, Companions reserved to the west, the east given to the Masters.
Solomon, through a special decree, had established, under pain of death, the Apprentices and Companions pulling out of the temple the night before on Saturday to re-enter only the following morning that day.
work is progressing in accordance with the provisions of the King, and the Temple under the enlightened direction of Hiram, had reached a high degree of artistic beauty and majestic grandeur.
Suddenly, a horrendous crime caused the suspension of the last works, and a deep sadness pervaded all workers. Fifteen fellows
dissatisfied of their salary in order to get the same reward of the Masters, conspired to seize by violence of their secrets. At the time of the twelve companions
retired, while three persisted in the apparent plot, three companions in the law are marked with the name of Oterfurt, Eterkin and Moa-Bon. The latter was then called "Abiran" cioè "assassino".
I congiurati sapevano che ogni sera, al termine dei lavori, Hiram si recava nel Tempio per controllare i progressi della costruzione, quindi si nascosero nel Tempio, ciascuno presso una delle porte: Oterfurt armato di un pesante regolo, Eterkin di una squadra e Moa-Bon di un grosso maglio.
Ispezionati i lavori, Hiram si avviò verso l'uscita a Sud e nella penombra scorse uno dei congiurati, Oterfurt, al quale domando: "Perché stai ancora nel Tempio e non hai seguito gli altri Compagni?" - Oterfurt con tracotanza rispose: "Maestro è da molto tempo che mi tenete nel grado di Compagno; voglio essere avanzato nel grado di Maestro". Con tono pacato Hiram a sua volta disse: "Da solo non posso accordarti promotion, you need the consent of my brothers, when you've completed the necessary period and you will be sufficiently educated you propose to the Council of Masters. "" I'm quite educated, "said the reckless" and not let you go away, before they receive Word of the Masters. "Hiram replied:" Wretch! Is not that what I have received and that you have to ask. Work with patience and be rewarded. "Comrade again insisted in his absurd request, and then step to the threats, but Hiram rebuked him firmly:" In vain do you hope to see accepted your claim in this way, rather than betray my obligation, are willing to face death. "Then, with a wave of his hand, Companion to withdraw the invitation, but the latter, angered by the negative response, aimed a violent blow in the direction of the straight edge of Hiram's head hitting the right temple. Master staggered and stunned walked to the door of the West where he was tackled by the second conspirator even more threatening. Hiram
with the same firmness of first refusal to the Word, and the evil armed with the team, struck him violently to the left temple. The Master leaned on his right knee and then got up and walked unsteadily toward the East gate, you step your right hand on his forehead to wipe away the blood and sweat, por seek momentary relief to her great suffering.
tried in vain to escape the ambush, as East came upon the door in the third conspirator who took the word of the Masters. Hiram adamant said: "Instead of violating the secret entrusted to me, I prefer death." Moa-Bon, the evil, he struck his forehead with a heavy hammer, Hiram fell lifeless on the floor of the Temple.

Mount Zion
Franco F.
Rome, June 16, 1988


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