Sunday, September 2, 2007

What To Do For A Gay 18th Birthday

The rebirth of Berlin's Jewish

BERLIN - Largest Synagogue Reopens in Berlin, is the mystical center of the organization opened a Chabad Lubavitch. Meanwhile, the Jewish Museum and Holocaust Memorial attract more visitors. In the capital, where Hitler established the Third Reich, in the city where the Fuehrer and his Fascist persecution and then planned the 'Final Solution', the Holocaust, Jewish life to flourish again. Increasingly active and lively, takes root in the city that before the Nazis, was the most important center of European Jewry.
"It's a blessing to the idea that Germany has of itself," says the historian Professor Michael Stuermer, a former adviser Helmut Kohl. "It does not mean forgetting, but it has begun a process of healing the spirit." The great solemn moment will come tomorrow, the Rykestrasse in the heart of Prenzlauer Berg, the chic alternative-East. There is to reopen the city's largest synagogue. It was built in 1904, when Jews were the elite of business, art and science of Berlin of the Kaiser. The architect Johann
Hoeniger wanted it as a "temple for a thousand men, a thousand women, thousands of lights." In classic style, has been lovingly restored by the architects Ruth Golan and Kay Zareh. "In Berlin, fortunately, the Jews no longer live with the feeling of having to live with their suitcases ready, "says Stuermer. The city that suffered Hitler, the Holocaust, the war, then the Wall, it became the capital of the country where the Jewish community recorded the fastest growth in the world. Already ten synagogues, 12 thousand members, an active presence in the cultural, economic and media. Take it back to the roots, and it feels strong and safe enough even to divide: comparisons and controversy between liberal and Orthodox Jews in Berlin are very bright. A new stronghold of mystical Orthodox Lubavitch is the center. With a synagogue, a Mikve (the place of the ritual bath), a library and a restaurant. And a replica of the Wailing Wall, thirty meters long. "We want to live here according to our traditions, "says Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal, who moved from Brooklyn. The
Rykestrasse synagogue was the only one that the Nazis gave to the flames: they did not want to endanger the buildings 'Aryans' around. But the devastated, destroyed the sacred books, the military turned into an administrative center. Before Hitler, there were 170 synagogues, Jewish genes were known to the world, from Einstein to Rathenau. Were swept away by the ferocity of the regime: the first was, in April 1933, the expropriation of all their goods. The Aryan Germans were watching, the richest among them grew rich. Then in 1938, the pogrom of Kristallnacht. Then the Wannsee Conference, the "Final solution", the genocide with the industrial perfection made in Germany. Now, with the new Eastern diaspora, Jewish culture back to enrich Berlin. Reports in the city, according Stuermer, the enlightened bourgeois spirit, that culture, the city had lost its Jews. "But the wound needs a long time to heal: il faut donner du temps au temps."

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Diane Birth Control Boob

Religion and Democracy Do

The debate on the changing balance between politics and religion remains a arguments with which science and political philosophy has tried to compete in all the different historical periods.

From these words of Jesus - "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, give to God what belongs to Do" - the political world has been confronted with a reality more complex and less defined by the boundaries of that form of state ideal.

Depending on the number of times the balance of this relationship has moved variously to one of these two poles: it goes from the most radical theories of political philosophy to the medieval Marxist view of religion, through the theory of only two.

In countries that could be called Western a more or less stable equilibrium has been found through application of the concept of secularism for which religion should remain a distinctive feature of the personal sphere of individuals that must still be guaranteed by the state.

But while other cultures have come to the theory and application of this concept, unable to get a clear separation between political and religious power, they are still forced to confrontarvisi.

I think we can find a perfect balance between these two poles and that this depends on the culture and historical epoch. Not for this reason should be limited to a simple admission of this reality. In

This report continues the role of friction is more complex than those believers who wish to participate actively in the political life of their country or their community. Actually I think the speech should be placed differently. Being deeply convinced of the existence of the Almighty is not in itself closely exposed to tensions with the political field. Take the example of the Masonry, except for the French, where the belief in the Supreme Being does not pose any complications or difficulties in participating in political life and to be good citizens. Many Italian politicians are Freemasons and that their membership does not affect in any way their action public.

speech changes slightly when you move the discourse on religion, that you move to a relationship between two different institutions in each obeying different rules and laws. In this case the relationship becomes conflicted.

It 's the case of the three monotheistic religions, even when delivered, except in its ratio between two different poles, may be restricted only to the Christian experience. There are exceptions but if you talk about democracy in the proper sense of this is approximately the number zero. This does not mean, however, you should limit the discussion to only Christianity which is already covered by Weber in "Protestant Ethic and Spirit of Capitalism." For

As regards my personal opinion on the relationship between politics and religion, especially if the belief in C is necessary to be good citizens, I believe that confidence in the belief in the Almighty to be a cornerstone to facilitate being good citizens . The fact that this place brings confidence to behave with others as creatures of the same magnitude, so as their peers and the like. It is the application of the concept "do not do to others what you would not want done to yourself." In this case the man is brought to see the other as in a mirror, her reflection, which can lead them to seek status. This is not

to speak of compassion or pity for the other as Nietzsche argued about Christianity, but to build an ideal of equality, which then is not that the cornerstone of democracy itself. Although the Jacobins and the Girondins did it all come from the sheer force of reason, they coined the motto "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" which is inherent in, willingly or unwillingly, a divine force.

Very often our secular beliefs leads us to state that any intrusion of elements of "divine" in the political field is negative and counter-claim of a perfect democracy, but sometimes more like a Marxist-style utopia, where religion only plays the role of "opium of the people."

Where lies the problem if the idea of \u200b\u200bGod is the bearer of elements of unity and universal brotherhood? Indeed such an ideal can not simply boost the friendship between the peoples and from there lead to an improvement of various conditions of national life. Such a world would aim to reduce economic and social differences of not only national but also international. On the other hand

religions, like all institutions, there are instances spokesman for conservative and often cast in stone, characteristic related divine immanence, which prevents the proper progress of legislation and good management of problems in the short term.

also one of the biggest problems in this area is of a linguistic nature in that it often tends to simplify the whole theocracy-democracy opposition. This fact does not take into account another term, so negatively loaded term as a theocracy but in my opinion should have a positive meaning. Like Aristotle divided the government of the people between polity and democracy , respectively, the correct form and the degenerate, also should be done with the "Government of God", dividing it into theocracy and hierocracy.

I hope you will be able to compare the reflection on these issues even within your class, looking for new ways of thinking and new fields of inquiry.


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Small Party Place Bangalore

What is sephiroth?

Sephiroth, Sephiroth or Sephiroth (סְפִירוֹת), singular: Sephirah, or even Sefirah (סְפִירָה "enumerate" in Hebrew).

Sefirot The word is linked, according to the Sefer Yesirah with sefer (write), Sefar (statement) and sippur (discourse), which derive from the same root SFR

Kabbalh The Sephiroth in Hebrew, are the ten attributes of God (which is referred to אור אין סוף Ain Soph Aur , "Light Without Limits ") through which he can project to the world and mankind. The Sefirot are not intended as grades on a scale ranging from divinity to the world, are considered more as the degrees of the divine life within God Himself, we must remember, however, as the Zohar are the creative world of the word or the world of Names of God

L'Albero della Vita

The Sephiroth are 10 and each has its own attributes:
  1. Keter: The Crown, the Volotà First, the Divine Nothing
  2. Hokhmah : The Wisdom, The Beginning - The Point of Departure, The First Appearance of God discernible, the male principle of God, the Father Superior that fertilizes the next Sephirah.
  3. Binah: The Intelligence, the female principle of God, the womb from which the rest of the Divine Life and Land.
  4. Hesed or Gedullah : benevolence, clemency, mercy, love.
  5. Geburrah or Pahad or Din : Power, Terror, The Penalty, The Reckoning.
  6. Tif'eret or Rahamin : Beauty, Compassion, Harmony Principle.
  7. Nesah : Eternity, duration, Victoria.
  8. Hod: The Glory, The Majesty, The Reagalità.
  9. Yesod: The Foundation, The Right.
  10. Malkut or Sekinah : The Kingdom, The Presence, is the latest Sephirah, the only accommodation.

"Yours, O Lord, is the magnitude ( Gedullah ), power ( Geburah ), beauty ( Tif'eret ), victory ( Nesah ) and the majesty (Hod ), because all (Qol - title of Yesod), in heaven and on earth is yours. O Lord, Thine is the kingdom ( Mamlahah - another name of Malkuth), you are he as you raise the head ( Ro's - the three sephiroth above) about anything ".

Heal Gums After Veneers?

I'll tell you a story ... De retour

The genesis of the "Legend of Hiram" is lost in the mists of time and vain is the search for historical sources, because it has been passed down orally and is not known to the author of this deep assumption that is certainly not drawn from the Bible, where Hiram is remembered only as a brilliant artist, founder of the two famous columns and capitals of the Temple, and the "Sea of Bronze, but it is not mentioned as a wonderful enterprise architect responsible for the construction of the Temple to the Lord and head of an immense group of workers.
Hiram, whose Hebrew name means "High", is the Man par excellence, which was received by the virtue, the highest degree of moral nobility and as such considered a model of souls, a great initiative started.
He Tiriano a son and a widow of tribe of Naphtali, who knew the use of metals and famous architect, had won the esteem and respect for the king of Tyre, bearing the same name, from which he called "Father."
When King Solomon decided to erect a temple to the Lord, turned to Hiram, who was appointed project manager and had the necessary powers to execute the monumental work.
Hiram had placed under its 183,000 workers, called "followers", or "initiative" that came from all parts of the world and therefore speak all languages.
the morning, Hiram used to gather the multitude of workers and a nod to these pre-flocked bright horizon on three sides, and forming a siding mosaic of human heads.

For another sign, all the workers turned to Hiram, who with his open hand marked a horizontal line, by means of which it was dropping a perpendicular line contained two right angles like a team mark with which the Syrians recognize the letter "T".
At this the crowd waved signs such as wheat in the wind.
workers, divided into Apprentices, Companions and Masters knew some words, certain signs and tokens, according to the class to which they belonged, in order to recognize each other, and receive the due reward according to type of work performed. Apprentices receive his salary at the Column "B", the Companions at the Column "J" located each to the north and south of the entrance of the temple, which opened to the west. The Masters instead withdrew their compensation in the middle chamber. The name of the column
Apprentice meant "Strength", one of the Companions "Wisdom."
After about seven years of existence, the building of the Temple was drawing to a close and can be accessed through three doors: one at noon reserved for Apprentices, Companions reserved to the west, the east given to the Masters.
Solomon, through a special decree, had established, under pain of death, the Apprentices and Companions pulling out of the temple the night before on Saturday to re-enter only the following morning that day.
work is progressing in accordance with the provisions of the King, and the Temple under the enlightened direction of Hiram, had reached a high degree of artistic beauty and majestic grandeur.
Suddenly, a horrendous crime caused the suspension of the last works, and a deep sadness pervaded all workers. Fifteen fellows
dissatisfied of their salary in order to get the same reward of the Masters, conspired to seize by violence of their secrets. At the time of the twelve companions
retired, while three persisted in the apparent plot, three companions in the law are marked with the name of Oterfurt, Eterkin and Moa-Bon. The latter was then called "Abiran" cioè "assassino".
I congiurati sapevano che ogni sera, al termine dei lavori, Hiram si recava nel Tempio per controllare i progressi della costruzione, quindi si nascosero nel Tempio, ciascuno presso una delle porte: Oterfurt armato di un pesante regolo, Eterkin di una squadra e Moa-Bon di un grosso maglio.
Ispezionati i lavori, Hiram si avviò verso l'uscita a Sud e nella penombra scorse uno dei congiurati, Oterfurt, al quale domando: "Perché stai ancora nel Tempio e non hai seguito gli altri Compagni?" - Oterfurt con tracotanza rispose: "Maestro è da molto tempo che mi tenete nel grado di Compagno; voglio essere avanzato nel grado di Maestro". Con tono pacato Hiram a sua volta disse: "Da solo non posso accordarti promotion, you need the consent of my brothers, when you've completed the necessary period and you will be sufficiently educated you propose to the Council of Masters. "" I'm quite educated, "said the reckless" and not let you go away, before they receive Word of the Masters. "Hiram replied:" Wretch! Is not that what I have received and that you have to ask. Work with patience and be rewarded. "Comrade again insisted in his absurd request, and then step to the threats, but Hiram rebuked him firmly:" In vain do you hope to see accepted your claim in this way, rather than betray my obligation, are willing to face death. "Then, with a wave of his hand, Companion to withdraw the invitation, but the latter, angered by the negative response, aimed a violent blow in the direction of the straight edge of Hiram's head hitting the right temple. Master staggered and stunned walked to the door of the West where he was tackled by the second conspirator even more threatening. Hiram
with the same firmness of first refusal to the Word, and the evil armed with the team, struck him violently to the left temple. The Master leaned on his right knee and then got up and walked unsteadily toward the East gate, you step your right hand on his forehead to wipe away the blood and sweat, por seek momentary relief to her great suffering.
tried in vain to escape the ambush, as East came upon the door in the third conspirator who took the word of the Masters. Hiram adamant said: "Instead of violating the secret entrusted to me, I prefer death." Moa-Bon, the evil, he struck his forehead with a heavy hammer, Hiram fell lifeless on the floor of the Temple.

Mount Zion
Franco F.
Rome, June 16, 1988

Slow Songs Of The 80's

It 's true I was a bit' too much time on the run, not for the same reasons such as Bernardo Provenzano, but close enough. The Colombian drug traffickers do not joke, especially when you are presented with a drill to forarti knees .... It 's a bad story, but perhaps you will tell Giono.
Apart jokes the conclusion of the thesis has been a small cathedral of Milan and more work in FinPiemonte took away a bit 'of creative verve and ironic (as if there would write a blog ...).
I am now on holiday for a couple of days later that commuter train will take me back in the town of Mole. Not that it is happy in life but it gets worse ... much worse. So I only have to be considered lucky.
I just finished writing a chapter at the PhD research project I will present at Sciences Po Bordeaux (as if I had enough of France) in mid-September. The title? Zionism and Messianism: redefinition of secular ideology. But I always say 'sti Israelis? What I can tell she entered Eretz Yisrael in the blood. We hope to continue this project, because it would spend another year in that beautiful country. Fingers crossed

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Happy Journey Great Sms

[TV] The island of Subrettina

NappoBlob back to give you a preview of a very pleasant news, I would say national. The news is this: the legendary Subrettina, Lisa Fusco participate in the reality show The Island of the Famous aired in late September on Rai Due. It 'was very nice and beautiful Lisa to give me confirmation of rumors that a few days ago turned on the web. Lisa is a fantastic opportunity to show off and be appreciated by a wider public than that of dyeing. While not love this kind of television I am sure that Lisa will definitely be the surprise of the show thanks to his gifts of sympathy and cordiality. Among other things, is also a beautiful girl and many of his fans, myself among them I confess, can not wait to see her in costume on the beaches of Honduras :-) So a big good luck to our Subrettina and thanks for the cool cool pictures that I sent and that, urbi et orbi, public below :-)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Weathertron Thermostat Wiring Diagram Baystat

[Sports] champion of champions!

A splendid night, a only love, a couple who is worth two. 3 minutes long as two years. A group of Champions and a top that never betrays you, makes you love the white red and black as in Serie B in the Champions League. Thanks Milan team timeless and boundless.

Force stand up

Enter it in the future is open and your hands together to feel my energy
larger - large

Forza Milan that we are many in my
believe in your story is another story with you we will write the

and Forza Milan
to be (invincible) and Forza Milan

to make and grow

and Forza Milan
there is the great
pride in us to belong to a people that you

reborn with us

in your story is another story with you we will write the

and Strength Milan
believe it is time to
by Forza Milan
that we are many and we all

a fire inside the heart
a big heart and sincere
beats strong for you

Forza Milan with us!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

How To Play Lan Populous The Beginning


I wish you a Happy Birthday to May 6 this lady who has made some 26 years .. if that brings them good eh :-) Here, I have now resolved the giving it my stinginess, the first nientepopo'dimenoche page with photos of my blog! Really cool :-) Knowing me ask you immediately remove the picture (but it does not seem very private!) Despite his vanity more than justified:) Anyway .. happy birthday to Ilvio which is a special person .. and if I will says an incurable skeptic as you can believe it .. at least a little ';-)

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Denise-milani Forum

[News] eco monster in Baia Blu

If it had been built in Sicily and in Campania it would have been eco monster. If it had been built in the 60's would be blamed for this obscenity to building environmental awareness is still very alive and the building boom of those years. But this casting of reinforced concrete was built between 2005 and 2007 in Lerici Blue Bay resort in a region and a municipality has always ruled by center-left government. Who has given permission to build such a monster in one of the few remaining unspoilt areas of the break, I do not know, it is certain that as a citizen and voter I am ashamed of the Olive greatly to see the havoc that has been done. The thing that amazes me is that nobody, neither green nor tell anyone Legambiente and associates, have you ever protested and the overbuilding going on in Blue Bay total silence. To be fair a couple of years ago the judiciary kidnapping had some houses built a few meters in the middle of the beach vegetation adicente but given what happened after all leaves me thinking that the story did not have actual developments. Anyway I have collected several photos documenting what happened to you to decide .. and think.

Here we see the "ship" of concrete that occupies all access to the sea at the Blue Bay. Below the photo documents the incredible. Fontamenta and sidewalk built directly on the shoreline! Never seen anything like it! Think about what would happen in case of storm or as now seems sure to rise in sea level. Building would be half submerged. As you see above is the Blue Bay on the opposite side of the monster. The site is surrounded by unspoiled vegetation and pine trees, just above and olive trees.

From the top you see the pine forest to the sea blocked off by concrete. Previously the area was largely covered by a bath-restaurant in shacks made of wood and plastic. A bad show, but we went from the frying pan into the fire.

Dulcis infundo in the middle of the Mediterranean on a ridge of access to the sea are being carried out two small pools that overlook the beach. And 'the way to tourism and to preserve our natural beauty? One word .. shame!

Monday, April 9, 2007

18 Week Old Four Feeds A Day

[Characters] Marge

Many will remember but if you do not Marghe alias Tifosotta was a few years ago one of the first examples of virtual celebrities. A sort of forerunner of the characters without art nor part of Big Brother and related. After a few years we have found still in business on the road and decided to give free rein to interview. Online course!

Hello Maghera. Would you explain what you have to up your reputation online?

Actually my "reputation" is due to a misunderstanding with some patrons of ISCM (the newsgroup of the Italian Milan fans note) that caught me "in sympathy" and believe a spammer a troll just because I posted the link of my first website. We are talking about the year 1999 and 2000. Since then I have struck, to say the least, bringing hundreds of curious people to visit my pages.

Yes, but you can not deny that you like "appear". You have tried in every way to show off by opening many sites talking about you and everything you do.

My site was opened when no one site and still did not have any girls of 14 years. What I had to say, if you do not speak of my life and my interests? However, I am careful to talk about serious issues and dramatic. I only speak of my tastes, where I live, my house, my cat. Things to read, I expose myself on the blog with opinions on moral and social issues, but did not hit singles or show partisanship politics.

really want to convince us that you are not vain and do not feel no pleasure to be the object of curiosity, even negative, of others?

Until target a world that I trash it, wittily I have created, is fine with me. They are not "vain" Physically, I have an idea of \u200b\u200broad appearance. Let me give you an example. If you do not care very much my look I have 100 fans, if I "imputtanisco" I have 10,000. But I was really interested in those 9900 attracted just looking? No. That's because in a sense I do not care that much. I am vain but mentally. " Subisco the prejudice which the female is almost always just considered according to the canon of physical beauty, while I do so many things. Study architecture, design, write stories, open sites, I am interested in music and hairstyle. Let's say you are an example of "feminist activities," Pass me the expression.

Certainly not shine for the gift of synthesis.

You are talkative, I told you I often ask questions that people have moved randomly on the forum and then in the end I used to. If I have to be a leader an interview I can not impersonate the perfect stranger.

Yes, but I have not Enzo Biagi!

Exactly interview with the star reporter of the poor and the poor.

We understand that you feel a little 'character, you find that you lack a bit' of irony?

I think that often people take me seriously because I do not use emoticons (the hate) so often that I say some things are considered serious. Certainly not the person "less touchy in the world" (a dual negation is an affirmation Ed). Perhaps the fault of the schools I attended who were too authoritarian.

What do you do in "real life" when you're not the Marghe of your sites?

In real life? I do not separate the two lives. The PC is always on, while studying, I watch the telly, or do the cleaning, even while they're at university. There is no "ON-OFF". Definitely use the Internet as a social experiment about what people think about when anonymity makes sincere, this helps me sometimes everything properly in real life. Thank God I never had any disagreements with a professor, I have friends, mostly musicians, a boy and all the rest. Also living in 2000 km from home internet is a bond with the family and friends. Though with more moderation, are overactive and dynamics as they appear on my site.

You went from teenage manga music Metal. The little girl a bit 'naive became a metalheads who writes erotic stories. Can you explain your evolution / revolution?

In my sites I have dealt with the order of Jim Carrey, Milan and Dragonball. Subsequently sexy stories and now I write about Metal, bass, and the world hairlover.

For the first year of high school is the stage Jim Carrey, Milan etc.. In the fourth high school, in full hormonal storm, but chaste, I approached and I tried to it.sesso.racconti I write. Who read me was certainly drawn to the rarity of a female writer , minor and caste.

're Sicilian, you do not have physique du role of provocative but I like to write erotic stories. What is your relationship with sex and real with those images?

In Sicily, my friends from high school "Porcheggiavano lot" (sic), but widespread hypocrisy because officially they were all saints. I that "holy" I was really, I found an outlet in the stories. I like sex more imagined than real. I think sex is part imagined and dreamed of the "true". Many women confess that they think of fantasies, even during the act, do not forget that the most important sex organ is the mind and for me writing was a kind of "mental masturbation". Personally I do not like sex stories out of the series (although I do respect those who do it) and I had only one important story.

You feel a Melissa P. Failure?

Well that Melissa P. came after me: P Anyway, I do everything that excites me, carcinogenic if darkening the oppressive culture where I grew up would mark me for life. I must say that I took a road as a lifestyle very different from the typical Sicilian, not only about sex, but as interest, attitudes and so on.

What do you see in your future? A archittetto? A rock star? A writer of that?

an architect I think I'll be very pragmatic, linked to the world of engineering and finance, with a nice car and a beautiful act, perhaps with a companion or a husband, perhaps, more in there, with one or two children, but not stop playing, writing and drawing.

Your honor and your fault.

are touchy, but fair.

You regret ...

have taken the bike on the day of the accident.

're proud of ...

have done what I wanted despite the negative influences of the culture of a male-dominated village.

Facts give yourself a question and answer.

The question I ask myself is whether I'm happy to be born a woman (whereas women have to work hard tantisimo to be valued in the profession, in sports, the arts) the answer is basically Yes, because women have always done what I wanted, and I hope it will be so even in my future profession.

What do you think of this interview and your interviewer?

The reporter looks like to one of my assistants most evil and one day I felt like a star.

Marghe Greetings!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Astringent After Waxing

[Characters] Richard Benson

was born in London in 1955 but lives and works in Rome. Marilyn Manson all'amatriciana, owes its national reputation with recent appearances in Free Style, transmission, Rai Due conducted by Max Giusti, where he plays the role of an unlikely musical critic. Richard Benson is not clear where the character ends vaudeville, made the target of a Roman goliardia teasing shots and assorted vegetables, and where it begins to rock-metal guitarist with a good international reputation. Satan (?) Grisù dangerous as the dragon, screaming and yelling under his black wig doing the same impression of Donald Duck on Uncle Scrooge. Can play the guitar, that's for sure, and probably also knows the international music but the effect of his presence in public is enough to inspire tragicomic tenderness when he tries to defend himself by teasing that his "fans" loved-hated the reserve no discounts. It would be was a perfect character for the company that Alberto Sordi played in "Stardust." If there is or there is not know for sure Richard Benson can not be missed. Simply amazing the gloss of this video that sums up all the character Benson: "What the fuck m'avete pulled on the guitar?! ... It is all sugar !!".! More than Benson described the character to be seen, heard and understood! Youtube is a rich mine of its performance: Do not miss it!