Saturday, November 18, 2006

Why Does Fish Stick To The Fry Pan

But do not call themselves pacifists?

I saw the pictures TG5 on the march (or perhaps I should say the horde ..) in support of Palestine.
I am ashamed to be Italian.
These people young and old have lost, in my opinion, all sense of reason. All right, freedom of thought and speech but in these cases we are going beyond the pale. I heard choirs heinous that they hoped to never have to hear: "10, 100, 1000 Nassiriya", "The only flag to watch is lying on your coffins." Overflights on the vile slogans directed against Israel and now we all know.
I am ashamed to be Italian.
These people should be deprived of the Italian citizenship and then ship them to Iraq or other countries in supporting the resistance. Diverted are people who can not even have the ability to analyze, with knowledge of the facts and reality. Then I would see them there to try to defend their freedom of expression. By now most do not even know the meaning of resistance: this must be called by its name: subversion.
I am ashamed to be Italian.
Luckily, the strength of our supporters have fought to give us the freedom we have today. Too bad that these events also infanghino their memory.


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