Saturday, November 18, 2006

What Pressure Points Will Me Get My Period

How is wrongly perceived in the Arab-Israeli Italy ..

On 18 November, the Association Italo-Palestinian Friendship of Florence participate in the demonstration in Rome in support of Palestinian rights are denied since the Act of Constitution of the State of Israel to demand the implementation of numerous UN resolutions for decades remained not implemented general indifference of governments. It will alongside the Palestinian people a victim of abuse and indiscriminate violence , subject to a scheduled cancellation of its national identity, carried out with the forced displacement the territories of origin and the source of the first their livelihoods, as well as through the expropriation of all forms of tradition and culture through the destruction of the physical existence of its people, torn apart by the explosion of bombs in the repetition of the massacres, the wall between heaven and humiliating imprisonment, the only boundaries are limiting the precariousness of existence; favorite from ' anachronistic absurdity of the colonial military occupation, which separates and segregates people based on racial prejudice be imposed in the territories and outside the borders removed armistice, made possible dall'incoerente and wicked that inactivity of international diplomacy, displaying the alibi of violence "terror" of the victim, in fact, protects, maintains and disseminates that of the executioner.

Oh finally I'm happy, I can revise the streets waving Palestinian flags and trampled and burned Israeli. Pass the event in Milan it seems to search for a certain equidistance, or a supposed equivicinanza, between the State of Israel and Palestine, but faced with the proclamations of social centers and organizations of the extreme left we should pause to reflect.
These people do not even have the slightest knowledge of the matter, some say many of those who have spent two weeks (holiday) to help children in the Palestinian Territories, and were impressed by the living conditions of the population. Of course I do not want to question this reality, but I tried to put their claims in a historical perspective a bit 'more objective and less romanticized. In this regard, I emphasized some passages of an article found on the site that more than a proclamation of intent seems an article of transfers of Tuttosport.
The step that makes me laugh is that of the forced displacement from native lands. I should mention that the Palestinians in 1948 at the outbreak of the First War of Independence, they were invited by the surrounding Arab powers to simply leave their villages in the belief that the victory over Israel would allow them to return and occupy the territories Israel. Well I'm sorry to say but the Arab states had done wrong icont: Israel won its battle for survival. At this point the Palestinians who left their villages VOLUNTARILY trusting in a landslide victory were forced to remain in the country who had accepted a few months earlier. Israel does not force anyone to leave, but pass me the expression, would be fools to reach out to those who until recently wanted to kill them.
Also no one has denied the rights of existence of a Palestinian state in 1948 because there was no Palestinian national identity (divided among the various Arab nations), but we safely say that that is the opposite were the Arabs, with their sudden declaration of war, denying Israel's right to exist.
At the edge of climax is also the assertion that Israel adopts a type of colonial occupation. Okay still thinks that the extreme left with mental styles that could be good at the time of Lenin, but this claim is not based on any objective fact. Israel occupied the territories for reasons of economic exploitation but to avoid development in these areas terrorist designs against the Star of David. We already have evidence of what happened in Gaza: Israel, even risking a civil war, decided to abandon settlements and the occupation of the Gaza Strip trying to reach out to Palestinians in search of a peace plan. What was the result: the launching of Qassam rockets daily into the city of Sderot and the Negev communities idraeliane. Not there be no need to Israeli colonial occupation, but an essential survival needs.
In addition let this question is an act of terrorism: a missile that accidentally falls on a building or a man who blows up a bus or in a market? Maybe from this reply, it could start to find a solution really equivicinanza.
And instead of coming during the summer holidays to ease their sense of humanitarianism, you should really try to come to this earth to live. Only with the daily confrontation with problems of life and intercultural counicazione of this region one can try to formulate an opinion truly objective and free from the logic of the party.
And as he said Ulrich Beck during the Second Intifada, "you can understand what it means to live in Israel, only losing a coach to go to work in Haifa."


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