Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Jay Mohr Skittles Christopher Walken

Ytzak Rabin Day

I went to the 11th commemoration of the assassination of Rabin. I am not a person who like large gatherings, but I had to do to honor Rabin.
And I must say it was a great satisfaction. The square was packed full of people of all ages. Police speak of 100,000, although missing the entire Israeli political class, the message sent will certainly not be a-political. They were mostly young
Rabin Square to fill: they were there to honor a great man who perhaps had not even had time to really know.
But they were there to honor above all an ideal of peace. And ask for peace for your country.
E 'was very touching to hear Grossmannn. Honestly, I had to wait this morning to find the message of his words, but his eyes and the tone of his voice conveyed a lot more than I could expect. His voice resembled more like a dull chant: losing a child must be the thing that marks the lives of a father.
The message that started it traced its full state of mind: Israel're losing your dream! Everyone can think what they want on but his words are certainly understandable for a father who lost his son.
But the most touching moment was when all 100,000 (except me sigh !!!!) they sang Hatikvah. Touching many have been crying too: this is Eretz Ysrael!


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