Monday, November 20, 2006

Iwatani Gas Stove Faq

Ars Palestinian military: namely, the reversal of the hero figure

is the news from
To do the same fate, one of his deputies has devised a tactic to immobilize the Israeli army. When Mohammed Baroud, the military has warned that his house and that of a Hamas militant were bombed, the extremists have decided to barricade themselves in and have appealed to the inhabitants of the refugee camp of Jabalya why rush to do as human shields.

from mosques and from television screens, the call was spread throughout the Gaza Strip. "We organized shifts - says Umm Wael, Baroud's mother, the Associated Press - and we prepare for a long siege. Where should we go? We will be here or die in the house. For me, can make me fall on his head. " Baroud, involved in the firing of Qassam rockets against Israeli cities, said it had decided the answer with other militants, after a building was destroyed in a missile attack, a few days ago. The Israeli army commanders have stopped the raid and a spokesman condemned "the cynical exploitation of innocent civilians by terrorists."

Sources of Staff have admitted that they do not have a solution to respond to mobilization. What has been praised by Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh: "We are proud of this popular reaction. It is the first step to defend our homes and the homes of our children, "proclaimed during a visit to the palace. The Israelis have not stopped other raid, a missile aimed at the car of two Hamas militants (wounded) killed a man aged 75 and wounded eight bystanders, among them three children. Defense Minister Amir Peretz called Palestinian President Abu Mazen to push it to stop the rocket fire: "We can not tolerate the bombardment continued."

If Baron Von Clausewitz could have been present before the television screens at the news of the mobilization of human shields in the Gaza Strip, would take the first flight to Israel to see with his own eyes the new combat tactics. Certainly would have added a chapter to its already monumental work: you would not have peace never included in his work this type of combat through a lens that it follows an offensive liability. But for sure, thinking to himself, could only be away a tear thinking back to that kind of war that had inspired him throughout his work. A war in which the separation between military and civilians was clear.

Today, Palestinian leaders are ready to cheer the new heroes of the Arab resistance. Too bad that we are implementing a reversal of the figure as the hero has always been represented and described.
A hero is a man or woman who has features and abilities more than any other person, which makes it able to take extraordinary actions to end-of- well, for which he became famous. These capabilities are not only physical but also mental. A person can become a hero simply heading for a worthy end to glorify his life through his last action (examples today of today are kind to sacrifice his own life to save another, make a gesture to honor the homeland or to protect their families, and so on). The hero in fact most of the time, if not all, is a mortal and therefore stands out from having the weapon in order to increase its outstanding gold: his own death.
In the case of Palestinian human shields creates two fundamental contradictions: the first is that as long as they will not shot and killed, the heroes remain the nucleus and not in the making, the second is that their actions are not aimed at realizing a positive purpose: to protect the holder's death should not be exalted as a noble action.
The shape of the human shield should not be attributed to the sphere of heroism rather than the codardigia. As in this case is looming, a double act of folly: from one hand to those helpless people who rallied to defend their actions, other than those who, without knowledge of the case, runs to help those who are the very cause of their destruction.
Here we are rather the praise of folly.
I also remember that those associated with any business to an armed group set and can not be considered a full part.

Geneva Convention of 1949, the third Protocol:
TITLE III - Status and treatment of protected persons

Article 28
No protected person may be used to make with his presence certain points or areas safe from military operations.

For once, Israel could not be accused of violating international law.


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