Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Roller Skates With Peace Sign

yet it floats ...

Finally I went on a mission to the Dead Sea ... Of course under cover ....

Yes, after the initial hesitation to understand the new laws of physics that ruled the Dead Sea. Floating here has its rules that Archimedes would have found it hard to understand. It 's even hard to stay upright.

But it becomes very easy to read ..

.... sleep ...

... meditate ...

..... Well we are planning for the flight but we have good prospects, the next!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Run Time Error

Masada: attention to the second brigade slingers zealot!

A little 'history ...
The ancient fortress city of Masada in fact was never conquered by the Roman soldiers who also went there in year 74. Before their eyes, they found only a horrendous massacre: the mass suicide of Jewish zealot resistant to the power of Rome and the occupied. Masada was built on a plateau of about six km ² situated on a rock 400 m above sea level compared to the Dead Sea, in south-eastern Judea. Walls five meters high - along a perimeter of a mile, with about forty more than twenty meters high towers - the enclosed, making it almost impregnable.

palace of Herod the Great

In the first century BC, the fortress was the winter palace of Herod the Great perched on three different levels to the cliff on the north side of the cliff, with a thermal bath with central boiler , and large underground storage tanks for water collection and a large spa complex.

in 66 had been conquered by thousands of zealots who settled there with women and children, four years later - in 70 - the fall of Jerusalem, they found the last refuge strenuous rebels not yet willing to give up.

Two-year siege

The fort was besieged by Legio X Fretensis Flavio Sergio and other 7000 men for the most part slaves, as inaccessible as an eagle's nest, for almost three years, was built a rampart (sort of limes often two feet, still visible today) and an embankment seventy feet that rose up from below the walls of the fortress.

Realizing the imminent defeat, since the Romans were finally able to open a breach in the walls, the Zealot leader Eleazar Ben Yair, spoke to his people by inducing them to a collective suicide by the sword (drawn at random to groups, are in fact were still pieces of earthenware with written names drawn by lot, the men of the community, killing women and children then took off his life story) and this seemed to be a lot preferable to a secure state of slavery.
When the last resistance fell while the city was in flames, were to save only a few children and two women who had been hiding in a ravine to escape death. The Romans were thus able to enter Masada in now without defense, surprised to what happened, become a silent tribute to the brave resistance.

"Nevermore Masada fall"

After his seizure, Masada remained in the hands of the Romans to the Byzantine era to be discovered over a century and a half ago to become a symbol the Zionist cause. Israeli army recruits today are conducted on site to take the oath of allegiance to the cry of "Nevermore Masada fall" .

Masada was partially reconstructed and has become one of the most important archaeological sites in Israel thanks to the excavations carried out since the early '60s under the guidance by the archaeologist Yigael Yadin. Were brought to light the remains of the fortress are clear signs of Roman military camps, with mosaics of high quality bathrooms and even boulders launched from catapults. As a sign of employment zealot is only a small synagogue, while more recent, dating from the fifth century. is a basilica built by Byzantine monks of penitence.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

What Else Causes Cod Sores

news SISDE

entering the embassy this morning I said to myself: "Look how beautiful our flags waving, and how are clean!" Entered I was at the Embassy revealed the mystery: last night a few ill-decided to burn the flag of Italian and European Union. The direction of the Embassy has decided not to publicly communicate the news as just another throw gasoline on the fire. A gesture of an "unbalanced" must not upset the already precarious balance with the statements of our foreign minister.
Certainly the events in Rome have not reached out to improve the situation. Thanks and thanks
Diliberto Social Centers! Next time send you to guard the Embassy that maybe it is better ..

Monday, November 20, 2006

Iwatani Gas Stove Faq

Ars Palestinian military: namely, the reversal of the hero figure

is the news from www.corriere.it:
To do the same fate, one of his deputies has devised a tactic to immobilize the Israeli army. When Mohammed Baroud, the military has warned that his house and that of a Hamas militant were bombed, the extremists have decided to barricade themselves in and have appealed to the inhabitants of the refugee camp of Jabalya why rush to do as human shields.

from mosques and from television screens, the call was spread throughout the Gaza Strip. "We organized shifts - says Umm Wael, Baroud's mother, the Associated Press - and we prepare for a long siege. Where should we go? We will be here or die in the house. For me, can make me fall on his head. " Baroud, involved in the firing of Qassam rockets against Israeli cities, said it had decided the answer with other militants, after a building was destroyed in a missile attack, a few days ago. The Israeli army commanders have stopped the raid and a spokesman condemned "the cynical exploitation of innocent civilians by terrorists."

Sources of Staff have admitted that they do not have a solution to respond to mobilization. What has been praised by Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh: "We are proud of this popular reaction. It is the first step to defend our homes and the homes of our children, "proclaimed during a visit to the palace. The Israelis have not stopped other raid, a missile aimed at the car of two Hamas militants (wounded) killed a man aged 75 and wounded eight bystanders, among them three children. Defense Minister Amir Peretz called Palestinian President Abu Mazen to push it to stop the rocket fire: "We can not tolerate the bombardment continued."

If Baron Von Clausewitz could have been present before the television screens at the news of the mobilization of human shields in the Gaza Strip, would take the first flight to Israel to see with his own eyes the new combat tactics. Certainly would have added a chapter to its already monumental work: you would not have peace never included in his work this type of combat through a lens that it follows an offensive liability. But for sure, thinking to himself, could only be away a tear thinking back to that kind of war that had inspired him throughout his work. A war in which the separation between military and civilians was clear.

Today, Palestinian leaders are ready to cheer the new heroes of the Arab resistance. Too bad that we are implementing a reversal of the figure as the hero has always been represented and described.
A hero is a man or woman who has features and abilities more than any other person, which makes it able to take extraordinary actions to end-of- well, for which he became famous. These capabilities are not only physical but also mental. A person can become a hero simply heading for a worthy end to glorify his life through his last action (examples today of today are kind to sacrifice his own life to save another, make a gesture to honor the homeland or to protect their families, and so on). The hero in fact most of the time, if not all, is a mortal and therefore stands out from having the weapon in order to increase its outstanding gold: his own death.
In the case of Palestinian human shields creates two fundamental contradictions: the first is that as long as they will not shot and killed, the heroes remain the nucleus and not in the making, the second is that their actions are not aimed at realizing a positive purpose: to protect the holder's death should not be exalted as a noble action.
The shape of the human shield should not be attributed to the sphere of heroism rather than the codardigia. As in this case is looming, a double act of folly: from one hand to those helpless people who rallied to defend their actions, other than those who, without knowledge of the case, runs to help those who are the very cause of their destruction.
Here we are rather the praise of folly.
I also remember that those associated with any business to an armed group set and can not be considered a full part.

Geneva Convention of 1949, the third Protocol:
TITLE III - Status and treatment of protected persons

Article 28
No protected person may be used to make with his presence certain points or areas safe from military operations.

For once, Israel could not be accused of violating international law.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Why Does Fish Stick To The Fry Pan

But do not call themselves pacifists?

I saw the pictures TG5 on the march (or perhaps I should say the horde ..) in support of Palestine.
I am ashamed to be Italian.
These people young and old have lost, in my opinion, all sense of reason. All right, freedom of thought and speech but in these cases we are going beyond the pale. I heard choirs heinous that they hoped to never have to hear: "10, 100, 1000 Nassiriya", "The only flag to watch is lying on your coffins." Overflights on the vile slogans directed against Israel and now we all know.
I am ashamed to be Italian.
These people should be deprived of the Italian citizenship and then ship them to Iraq or other countries in supporting the resistance. Diverted are people who can not even have the ability to analyze, with knowledge of the facts and reality. Then I would see them there to try to defend their freedom of expression. By now most do not even know the meaning of resistance: this must be called by its name: subversion.
I am ashamed to be Italian.
Luckily, the strength of our supporters have fought to give us the freedom we have today. Too bad that these events also infanghino their memory.

What Pressure Points Will Me Get My Period

How is wrongly perceived in the Arab-Israeli Italy ..

On 18 November, the Association Italo-Palestinian Friendship of Florence participate in the demonstration in Rome in support of Palestinian rights are denied since the Act of Constitution of the State of Israel to demand the implementation of numerous UN resolutions for decades remained not implemented general indifference of governments. It will alongside the Palestinian people a victim of abuse and indiscriminate violence , subject to a scheduled cancellation of its national identity, carried out with the forced displacement the territories of origin and the source of the first their livelihoods, as well as through the expropriation of all forms of tradition and culture through the destruction of the physical existence of its people, torn apart by the explosion of bombs in the repetition of the massacres, the wall between heaven and humiliating imprisonment, the only boundaries are limiting the precariousness of existence; favorite from ' anachronistic absurdity of the colonial military occupation, which separates and segregates people based on racial prejudice be imposed in the territories and outside the borders removed armistice, made possible dall'incoerente and wicked that inactivity of international diplomacy, displaying the alibi of violence "terror" of the victim, in fact, protects, maintains and disseminates that of the executioner.

Oh finally I'm happy, I can revise the streets waving Palestinian flags and trampled and burned Israeli. Pass the event in Milan it seems to search for a certain equidistance, or a supposed equivicinanza, between the State of Israel and Palestine, but faced with the proclamations of social centers and organizations of the extreme left we should pause to reflect.
These people do not even have the slightest knowledge of the matter, some say many of those who have spent two weeks (holiday) to help children in the Palestinian Territories, and were impressed by the living conditions of the population. Of course I do not want to question this reality, but I tried to put their claims in a historical perspective a bit 'more objective and less romanticized. In this regard, I emphasized some passages of an article found on the site www.forumpalestina.org that more than a proclamation of intent seems an article of transfers of Tuttosport.
The step that makes me laugh is that of the forced displacement from native lands. I should mention that the Palestinians in 1948 at the outbreak of the First War of Independence, they were invited by the surrounding Arab powers to simply leave their villages in the belief that the victory over Israel would allow them to return and occupy the territories Israel. Well I'm sorry to say but the Arab states had done wrong icont: Israel won its battle for survival. At this point the Palestinians who left their villages VOLUNTARILY trusting in a landslide victory were forced to remain in the country who had accepted a few months earlier. Israel does not force anyone to leave, but pass me the expression, would be fools to reach out to those who until recently wanted to kill them.
Also no one has denied the rights of existence of a Palestinian state in 1948 because there was no Palestinian national identity (divided among the various Arab nations), but we safely say that that is the opposite were the Arabs, with their sudden declaration of war, denying Israel's right to exist.
At the edge of climax is also the assertion that Israel adopts a type of colonial occupation. Okay still thinks that the extreme left with mental styles that could be good at the time of Lenin, but this claim is not based on any objective fact. Israel occupied the territories for reasons of economic exploitation but to avoid development in these areas terrorist designs against the Star of David. We already have evidence of what happened in Gaza: Israel, even risking a civil war, decided to abandon settlements and the occupation of the Gaza Strip trying to reach out to Palestinians in search of a peace plan. What was the result: the launching of Qassam rockets daily into the city of Sderot and the Negev communities idraeliane. Not there be no need to Israeli colonial occupation, but an essential survival needs.
In addition let this question is an act of terrorism: a missile that accidentally falls on a building or a man who blows up a bus or in a market? Maybe from this reply, it could start to find a solution really equivicinanza.
And instead of coming during the summer holidays to ease their sense of humanitarianism, you should really try to come to this earth to live. Only with the daily confrontation with problems of life and intercultural counicazione of this region one can try to formulate an opinion truly objective and free from the logic of the party.
And as he said Ulrich Beck during the Second Intifada, "you can understand what it means to live in Israel, only losing a coach to go to work in Haifa."

Friday, November 17, 2006

Fell On Concrete On My Knee

the conquest of Jerusalem

Those were good times:

The kingdom was founded following the capture of Jerusalem by the Crusaders in 1099, the peak of the First Crusade. Godfrey of Bouillon , a leader of the expedition, was chosen as the first king, but he refused, saying that no man should have received a crown where Christ had worn his crown of thorns, instead of claiming the position of advocatus Sancti Sepulcri , "defender of the Holy Sepulchre .

Thursday, November 16, 2006

When Does The Second Herpes Outbreak Come?

's home Munib Al-Masri

Among Palestinians, some shows .... even if his cousin is a minister of the Palestinian Authority and he has made a fortune building infrastructure for the government ..

In His birthplace of Nablus, he started work on the most spectacular house in the region, a university faculty and a pediatric ward, employing 500 people in construction. His house was built 300 metres above his former home in the kasbah on Mount Gezirim and like hundreds of other Nablus homes it was occupied by Israeli soldiers.
In an echo of Israeli settlers, he emphasised the need to build and develop as a political statement. "Where the Israelis destroyed one olive tree, I plant 100. Where they destroy I create," he said. The home which Mr Masri calls the House of Palestine is now finished. It is based on an Italian palazzo in Vincenza and in the garden is a summer house that Napoleon had built for Josephine, which was imported along with most of the building materials from France. In the basement are the preserved mosaics of a Byzantine church, which were discovered during construction. The juxtaposition of wealth on the hill and poverty in the valley could not be stronger but it is a gap that Mr Masri works very hard to bridge. In addition to the large projects he has funded, he is also the patron for a charity that provides for the needs of people whose lives are damaged by Israeli incursions and funds reconstruction of damaged buildings. Mr Masri has been criticised for being part of a group of businesses and businessmen that has a dominating position in the Palestinian economy but it is clear that his interest in investing in his homeland is more emotional and political than financial. One of the companies in Which he is a major investor is building a luxury hotel in the Gaza Strip.

description of the villa of al-Masri is from http://securebar.secure-tunnel.com/cgi-bin...-103552, 00.html

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Can You Inject Lortab 10s?

Tsahal: Tsavo Hagana LeIsrael

This is what I wrote my dear friend Hava:

the last Lebanon war more 'than in previous contact we had with our boys by phone that most people have with him, but crossed the border and does not work for days missing the news. And if you can communicate you never know what can 'happen in a moment.
Fathers, reserve officers and soldiers generally, able to interpret every bit of information transmitted via television. or from the internet that make it hints.
Following the brotherhood of fighters develops a close bond among the families who support each other, take turns to contact the lead after each battle. If the news report of casualties there 'to imagine the anxiety to know more'. But anxiety does not abandon us for a moment, let us not sleep, and when a member of our 'at risk.
The boys from their home to avoid talking about it, not to disturb the family, but mostly 'cause in the few moments of respite want to forget and want to have fun. In moments of respite once again be the carefree young as all the guys in the world. And after three years of service many military go away "to take the air" in distant countries, even before planning the future.
The families of our soldiers go through hell, that despite the great solidarity 'of our people, and' first private.

What Is The Biggest Havaiana Size?

Who says there are only that Israel synagogues?

Well yes this is the spetttacolo that you may have along the promenade in Tel Aviv-Jafo ... Sunset and surf. Let's say I eat a little 'hands when I see surfers in the morning but what can I do? It is not fear but the locals do surf in a suit and tie does not seem the case.
And here there is the risk mica sharks .... But maybe there is that underwater mines?
There seem to hear a song by the Beach Boys with these images?

A beautiful sunset is not so much Pacific Ocean? Too bad that we are in the Holy Land ... In the face of those who say that here there are only a Katyusha and religious conflicts.
From there make peace? A beautiful
biretta still sitting on the beach watching the hot sun dipping into the sea. If you wish to add a guitar, go ahead ..

Jamaica Dress Clothes Color

For a correct information ..

Woman killed, man seriously hurt in Qassam strike on Sderot
By Yuval Yoaz and Mijal Grinberg, Haaretz Correspondents, Haaretz Service and Agencies

An Israeli woman was killed and a man was seriously wounded Wednesday morning by a Qassam rocket in a residential area of the western Negev town of Sderot, close to the home of Defense Minister Amir Peretz.
The woman was later named as 57-year-old Fatima Slutsker, a resident of the town. The wounded man, who lost both his legs, was identified as Peretz' 24-year-old bodyguard.
Both were taken to Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon for treatment, where the woman died of her wounds.

Islamic Jihad and militants affiliated with the ruling Palestinian movement Hamas both claimed responsibility for the attack.
Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said the Palestinians acted in self defense.
"The occupation hasn't stopped attacking Palestinians before or after Beit Hanun, so we say resistance is a right of Palestinians," Barhoum said.
The militant groups said the rocket fire was meant to avenge the deaths of 18 civilians killed last week in IDF shelling of an apartment compound in the northern Gaza town of Beit Hanun.
Seven Qassam rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip on the western Negev on Wednesday morning, three of them landing in Sderot.
David Baker, an official in the Prime Minister's Office, told Haaretz on Wednesday that, "Palestinian terrorists will not be able to zero in on Israeli civilians. We will take whatever steps are incumbent on us to stop these attacks and defend our people."
Earlier Wednesday, an anti-tank RPG missile was fired at an Israel Defense Forces vehicle patrolling the northern Gaza Strip. No injuries were reported, but the vehicle sustained some damage.
On Tuesday evening, three rockets landed in Sderot, causing damage to property. Three people were treated for shock due to the barrage.

'We can't protect Sderot schools'

The deadly attack comes a day after the state told the High Court of Justice that there is no way to protect Sderot schoolchildren from the threat of Qassam missiles, as it would be impossible to reinforce all classrooms in the city before the start of the next school year.
The state wants the court to reject two petitions filed by Sderot residents demanding the reinforcement of all educational institutions in the town and its environs against Qassams.
"There is no disputing that studying in the non-reinforced classrooms entails a certain security risk to students," the state argued in its response.
"However, it seems that for the time being, there is no alternative. This risk is not significantly different from the risk to which students are exposed en route from home to school and back, by bus or private car, which of course are not reinforced against Qassam missiles, or from the risk to which they are exposed during the day when they are in many other places besides reinforced classrooms..."
The petitions, filed by the Parents Committee in Sderot, and parents of students at the Sha'ar Hanegev regional school, ask the court to instruct the Defense Ministry to immediately reinforce the roofs of all educational institutions in Sderot or to provide an alternative solution that will protect the buildings from Qassams, and to immediately provide NIS 210 million for Sderot and nearby communities to complete "critical" reinforcement programs. ITS
In response, the Promised been to complete the reinforcement of homeroom classrooms only in Sha'ar Hanegev by November 23, But reinforcement work on the 24 other schools in the area is not expected to be completed before next autumn.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Jay Mohr Skittles Christopher Walken

Ytzak Rabin Day

I went to the 11th commemoration of the assassination of Rabin. I am not a person who like large gatherings, but I had to do to honor Rabin.
And I must say it was a great satisfaction. The square was packed full of people of all ages. Police speak of 100,000, although missing the entire Israeli political class, the message sent will certainly not be a-political. They were mostly young
Rabin Square to fill: they were there to honor a great man who perhaps had not even had time to really know.
But they were there to honor above all an ideal of peace. And ask for peace for your country.
E 'was very touching to hear Grossmannn. Honestly, I had to wait this morning to find the message of his words, but his eyes and the tone of his voice conveyed a lot more than I could expect. His voice resembled more like a dull chant: losing a child must be the thing that marks the lives of a father.
The message that started it traced its full state of mind: Israel're losing your dream! Everyone can think what they want on but his words are certainly understandable for a father who lost his son.
But the most touching moment was when all 100,000 (except me sigh !!!!) they sang Hatikvah. Touching many have been crying too: this is Eretz Ysrael!

Birth Day Cake Nerf Gun

Gateway 2006

The single point dell'Amabasciata beat the competition to starneira GATEWAY 2006, exhibition held at the Dan Panorama. The name of the event already clarifies its purpose: to provide the means and knowledge to Israeli entrepreneurs to export their products Neel rest of the world. E 'was also the most visited by the authorities ....