Thursday, November 6, 2008

Locker Room Jockstrap Boner

strange magic in an instant ... Those of

I may be wrong ... I do not know ... maybe it's just so, but ... feel a bit '... come here .. Mica does not have chills ...?

Sounds easy, but in the meantime it is so difficult .... and I already know to be wrong and I have not the words that move the sun ...

Parlami d'amore! Tell me what good is staying away in silence, watching our passion that dies in a corner ...

If I close my eyes you're not there at the end ... I wish all my and I just have to connect a pair of wings on my head ...

If I could hold my breath before speaking ...

Just give me three minutes, only three minutes to talk to me ... and if you turn your head, I know for sure, when you turn your head and turn his head at that moment, you remember me ...

Poised between saints and false gods, supported by senseless desire for balance and rest here, on the edge of a razor to dry words that I have stretched now, and never tell .. do not feel that I shudder while singing ... hide this stupid fun ...

If you have something to tell me, do not like it's the last story to tell me to make me sleep and not think this can hurt me more if ...

He will not change the idea that now I have to you ... cast a stone who is without sin ...

So .. I do not change!

There is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved (© Alfredo C.)


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