Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Unbearable Menstrual Cramps

St. Christopher Seui: history, archeology, faith and tradition

"Santu Cristolu" for all seuesi is synonymous with celebration, faith, tradition and lots of memories.
Seui For centuries the festival dedicated to the martyr, the patron of motorists, is celebrated in his old country sanctuary on the southern slopes of the limestone massif of Mount Tonneri. Its construction is rather difficult to determine precisely. Most likely the oldest structure could even date back to a period prior to 1300. In some documents of the seventeenth century, this temple is not mentioned among the rural churches of Seui, then perhaps for its poor storage conditions.
The church is located in a location close to many interesting examples historical and archeological nuraghi, villages, temples and tombs of the giants in the well. In the same area around the temple over the centuries have been found several Punic and Roman coins, as well as significant quantities of pottery fragments and remains of human bones. Elements, the latter, they do suggest the existence of an interesting site in the cemetery or of a human settlement whose origins can be traced back to the Sardinian-Punic period, until the Judicial.
Each year the community celebrates the Feast seuese country in honor of St. Christopher, in general, the first weekend of June, beginning the long series of civic and religious events that characterize the summer seuese. The festivities begin in the late afternoon of Saturday, accompanied by the statue of the saint from the parish church of Santa Maria Maddalena Seui the small rural sanctuary. The climax is reached but the next day with Mass and the great banquet given by the Committee of "Obreris" in the evocative "posada". (Giuseppe Deplano, copyright © 2011 - are reserved)


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