Sunday, March 29, 2009

Windows Ce Usb Flash Driver


"It's raining and in the meantime ... I think
has this' Water ... a sense
about a noise before silence and then ... "

For an inexplicable reason I continue to surround myself with people empty, trivial, petty, false, false. I am perhaps too? Legitimized thought for you my dear reader. But you do not know me read but do not know.
The Xigia you know is what is true and transparent. It does not change overnight. It 's a safe haven, where surprises are the future and this is exactly what you see.
I do not know if it's just a feeling, if my assessment is to be completely wrong. The fact is that for the umpteenth time I feel different, I feel misunderstood. I can speak a language that is not mine. It 'a my-way street. And I've said a thousand times, but there was nothing to do. Why do you insist it is served? Do not change people. We learn to be ourselves, sincere and simple, so "Not in perfect balance."

All good people are. Tranquilli. And 'The undersigned is not the right place. Snob. Matta. Call me whatever you want, yes sir. You can say what you want, now I'm used to seeing her open mouth and breath.
Once again I gave, I promised, I thought. Once again I opened my eyes too late. These are the words you want to hear and finally now you can live with. Once again I was wrong. I did not understand. But how good you are.
long wheelbase and very relaxed. They are my steps that go away. And this time it will be difficult, impossible to reach. Do not ask me to be like you, because I never will be. I've got tried, but it's not my life. Not what I want. I do not like what I saw.
Living is the freedom to choose. And I choose me.

"It 's got the time to make room for those who say that time and space I have ever given."

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Pimples In Pubic Area Images


Who: Xigia, Tiziana, Barbara, Joseph
Where: Fregene
When: March 22, 2009
not received: Vincenzo, Roberto, Chris, Andrea ... Porelli ...

In a crowded and chaotic for the Rome Marathon this year, including detours and reversals to throttle, four friends make their little babies in that Fregene, including a stop to get the coupon-holder, one for the breakfast of 11.30, a greeting for a friend "Dario" dealership Yaris and so on and so forth.

we arrive at 12.30 and, very democratically (1 vs 3 ...) you decide to pizza and beer on the beach .... the program included (or perhaps there were those who hoped for) two spaghetti ... the opposition has been nothing in front of the dictator .. ;-)
Time for a coffee, a greeting to the bathroom (and there are also those who had time for a photo there! Ah ... vanity ...) and go under the caresses of the coated sun ...
sleepy an hour, laughing and joking on the sad day for those who could not come today (laws, "not received") ... Unfortunately, work or are immobilized to the bathroom ...

But it is the 15.30, the roadmap day will be a long road still to be addressed (including reversals), and we go to Ping Pong for a jelly, between daydreams and plans for next weekend ... why a cup blackberries, yogurt, melon and varied there is everything, right? ...

Loris And we have forgotten him? oh no, we take the car, follow the Pyramid for the meeting which will change our lives ... in what sense? Dunno, but also there was this good!
Bars in the square and the sun greets us almost permanently to hold the last of the evening (seee Oh well ... bring all the latest ...) ... Joseph is so available Today we invite all mooooooolto spontaneously to his house for dinner ... ;-) Gira turns you closed between supermarkets and pizzerias of dubious quality finally achieved the goal ... pizza, chicken and rice balls and we are happy ...

The evening could not end better ... down are the roommates from Gabriella and Alexander, very nice ... Yeah, especially when they tell me that they do work e. ... eee I have the shirt of Staff LaFinestratour2008!! yuuuppidu !!!!!

Well, we salute you, get organized, we are divided e. .. like how?? Can we stop?? oh God ... here we go again ... the bar where we had started this morning !!!!... and as if nothing had happened .. " that you take it? Coffee? " .... " EHHHHH? Say no, but we had not said goodbye?? But that was to tease me?? And that's it! Annamosene to sleep !!!!!! I see you still together and if there lynx! It's time away to their cars! "

Ps: still the right end of the evening was given, of course, dear Giuseppe ... I forgot my Nikon at home and I had to go back ... sound ... and too good, it opens the door and I find him in his underwear that gives me the coffee! and no! and Daje! and if little nun! and not fair!
