Monday, December 25, 2006

Good Initiation Ideas For Best Friends

Adeste fidelis, laeti triumphantes!

Here I am back from a long but wonderful day Christmas Bethlhem lived in, where everything started. There has been even Abu Mazen and the mayor of Paris Delanohé, but the eyes and attention of all are addressed to that child that is born for us.
Merry Christmas to all.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Names For Car Interior


On the last day of Channukà, Jerusalem is filled with lights ..

Salutatorian Address Elementary Level

A lavuri barbun!

I apologize for the long-dormant literary and photographic work of the House, but leaves me little room for my leisure .... But oh well
have already arrived in Jerusalem to prepare for Christmas Eve at the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem. And fortunately the Lord continues to watch over my head: 18,000 pilgrims are expected, but I will do part of the 700 lucky ones who will enter the Basilicata. Fortunate Fortunato ...
To reward my benefactors, I went to pick citrus fruit to the monastery of Trappist Latrun. Morning breaks back but it was worth it: for the ticket and for the feast of fruits which I did.
Oh I forgot to go before we stopped again at the Benedictine Monastery in Abu Gosh. Where the Crusader church, not photographed last time, cried revenge!
I hope you like it!

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Staph Infection Inside Belly Button

Jerusalem Caput Mundi

I'm back to try to describe what I'm trying to picture visiting Jerusalem. It 's a great feeling that day after day gets inside you and not let you anymore. Sometimes it feels Do talemte neighbor who does not understand why men are incapable of love instead of killing in his name. But as they say here, "the more you avvicni to God and the Devil as you try."

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Maria Conchita Alonso Hiv

Glimpses from Jerusalem

Shavua Tov to all! My ascent to Jerusalem has begun, there are so many thing to see that you do not know where to start. The pictures are many and I have not had a real sorting. So by the time I chose some insight or detail to try to make you understand the air you breathe. I hope you understand this emotion even with pictures. The love you let me know!

Friday, December 1, 2006

Speech Sample For Ceonight

And tomorrow you will be returned to the Holy Sepulchre ..

the evening fell on Jerusalem, which seem to doze off slowly after the Shabbat evening prayers, silence fell too on the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre after the Via Crucis, which is repeated every Friday by Franciscan friars.

Japanese Wedding Girdle

Hicde Virgine Maria Iesus Christus Natus Est

This morning I went to Bethlehem to visit the Church of the Nativity. Well yes I carry forward in Advent ..

The door you see (is high nenache a meter) is not a secondary entrance or cellar but the entrance of the Church of the Nativity. It was built as to prevent the invading Persians in the seventh century could not come with their camels to destroy it.

altar from the nave under the Orthodox, there is a small door with stairs leading to a small chapel / underground cave where you can breathe a strong smell of incense and the temperature is much higher for the effect of the numerous candles.

The manger where Jesus was laid after birth ..

E 'was a great experience one of the most important of the Earth is in a small cave from the ceiling blackened by the candles and incense. It 's true that the smallest things in the most beautiful things are born. There it all began:

From the Gospel according to Luke: [1] In those days a decree from Caesar Augustus ordered that a census should be of the whole earth. [2] This was the first enrollment made when Quirinius was governor of Syria. [3] all went to be enrolled, each to his city. [4] Even Joseph, who was of the house and lineage of David, from the town of Nazareth in Galilee for Judaea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, [5] to be enrolled with Mary his wife, she was pregnant. [6] And while they were there, the time came for her to be delivered. [7] she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Roller Skates With Peace Sign

yet it floats ...

Finally I went on a mission to the Dead Sea ... Of course under cover ....

Yes, after the initial hesitation to understand the new laws of physics that ruled the Dead Sea. Floating here has its rules that Archimedes would have found it hard to understand. It 's even hard to stay upright.

But it becomes very easy to read ..

.... sleep ...

... meditate ...

..... Well we are planning for the flight but we have good prospects, the next!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Run Time Error

Masada: attention to the second brigade slingers zealot!

A little 'history ...
The ancient fortress city of Masada in fact was never conquered by the Roman soldiers who also went there in year 74. Before their eyes, they found only a horrendous massacre: the mass suicide of Jewish zealot resistant to the power of Rome and the occupied. Masada was built on a plateau of about six km ² situated on a rock 400 m above sea level compared to the Dead Sea, in south-eastern Judea. Walls five meters high - along a perimeter of a mile, with about forty more than twenty meters high towers - the enclosed, making it almost impregnable.

palace of Herod the Great

In the first century BC, the fortress was the winter palace of Herod the Great perched on three different levels to the cliff on the north side of the cliff, with a thermal bath with central boiler , and large underground storage tanks for water collection and a large spa complex.

in 66 had been conquered by thousands of zealots who settled there with women and children, four years later - in 70 - the fall of Jerusalem, they found the last refuge strenuous rebels not yet willing to give up.

Two-year siege

The fort was besieged by Legio X Fretensis Flavio Sergio and other 7000 men for the most part slaves, as inaccessible as an eagle's nest, for almost three years, was built a rampart (sort of limes often two feet, still visible today) and an embankment seventy feet that rose up from below the walls of the fortress.

Realizing the imminent defeat, since the Romans were finally able to open a breach in the walls, the Zealot leader Eleazar Ben Yair, spoke to his people by inducing them to a collective suicide by the sword (drawn at random to groups, are in fact were still pieces of earthenware with written names drawn by lot, the men of the community, killing women and children then took off his life story) and this seemed to be a lot preferable to a secure state of slavery.
When the last resistance fell while the city was in flames, were to save only a few children and two women who had been hiding in a ravine to escape death. The Romans were thus able to enter Masada in now without defense, surprised to what happened, become a silent tribute to the brave resistance.

"Nevermore Masada fall"

After his seizure, Masada remained in the hands of the Romans to the Byzantine era to be discovered over a century and a half ago to become a symbol the Zionist cause. Israeli army recruits today are conducted on site to take the oath of allegiance to the cry of "Nevermore Masada fall" .

Masada was partially reconstructed and has become one of the most important archaeological sites in Israel thanks to the excavations carried out since the early '60s under the guidance by the archaeologist Yigael Yadin. Were brought to light the remains of the fortress are clear signs of Roman military camps, with mosaics of high quality bathrooms and even boulders launched from catapults. As a sign of employment zealot is only a small synagogue, while more recent, dating from the fifth century. is a basilica built by Byzantine monks of penitence.