Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pyrogallic And Mungbeans Experiment

The Sister Natasha \\ Sirena Sister Claus

Dedication to Mitch, because I spend a Christmas in questionable taste. Not I colored restricted to questions of timing. I was inspired by a girl in the same position found stealing the internet. The design is not finished because the edges must be trimmed to make it fit in the envelope. Sister
Claus wish you a Merry Christmas !
This one is for my friend Mitch. Best Wishes Mitch;)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Can I Take Antibiotics With Meclizine

New Year with dinner

Offers New Year's Eve 2011 in Florence for a ball of joy banner for the happiness of the whole family.

still time to book Do not miss the fabulous last minute New Year's Eve 2011 with no risk of collapse, thanks to the fantastic prices that have never been so low since the last decade with regard to New Year's Eve package deals in Florence.

very special occasion for a stay of two days from December 31, 2010 all''1 January 2011 in an atmosphere goliardic in Tuscany, immersed in the Tuscan Christmas spirit gone one walks with family between the various market stalls and Christmas of visits to museums.

One way also to retrace some milestones of the city known as the Cafeteria and squire, the historical coffee Florence located in front of the Baptistery of San Giovanni for a delicious croissant craft steeped in good coffee and milk and then travel to the Baptistery of San Giovanni to visit the beautiful dome is characterized by mosaics dating from the twelfth century that depict the life of Jesus Christ I like those paintings by the great painter Cimabue .

So you can not ask more from a New Year's Eve in Florence where you can celebrate the New Year's Eve and enjoy a great New Year's Eve dinner offered by the oldest inns and restaurants of downtown is fully enjoy all the magnificence of this beautiful city of art.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Wife Hanging With Gay Friends

Weekend in Riviera Principality of Monaco unforgettable

Through my work I often have the opportunity to enjoy a few weekends, but if I choose trip better than I did in 2010 Certainly in the first place is weekend on the Riviera.
A true experience of luxury at a price certainly affordable.

  • DINNER ON BOARD THE YACHT € 75 per person
  • NIGHT Yacht Suite € 200 per person

Jackie One in navigation
The weekend included dinner and overnight on board One Charter Yacht Jackie, a beautiful yacht Ercules moored in Porto in Monaco on the Riviera.
(you can also choose only the package, dinner and overnight package only.)

outside table
DINNER - € 75 per person
Surely one of the I tasted the most delicious dinners. All
based on fresh fish and good French wine served chilled.
A dip in luxury complete with a waiter in white gloves, two exceptional chefs preparing dishes fresh and the complicity of private captain who did not miss anything.
We had dinner on board the yacht in the indoor dining room with an appetizer, first, second fish, a delicious cake and lots of bubbles.

Jackie Suite One
THE NIGHT - € 200 per person
The suite was beautiful, attention to detail, with private bath is spacious and comfortable. A private staircase ensure maximum privacy. Both my husband and I have appreciated very much.
I admit, waking up in the morning was a little dream come true.
I was happy to have organized a wedding anniversary so perfect. We had breakfast nel tavolo esterno di poppa con un piacevole sole del mattino che ci dava il buongiorno.
Vedere Montecarlo da questo angolo del porto è ancora più emozionante.

Dimenticare questo weekend sarà impossibile ma mi sono gia organizzata:
Aprile 2011 - Maggio 2011

dal primo di aprile fino alla fine di maggio Jackie One Charter Yacht sarà disponibile per effettuare il servizio di Yacht & Restaurant (escluso il periodo delle feste e delle manifestazioni importanti come il Gran premio di Montecarlo)

Per chi volesse organizzare un weekend romantico, festeggiare un anniversario di nozze, organizzare una festa degree or a stag or hen parties or just to enjoy an unforgettable weekend, this is the address
http://www.ilcharter.it/ristorante-montecarlo-principato-di- monaco.php

Friday, December 3, 2010

Dried Sperm On Black Underwear

\\ Mermaid

A small tribute to a friend for her birthday. The subject is a mermaid because she is fond of mermaids and of course I could not overdriven. Happy Birthday.

This is a present for a birthday.
Best wishes to my friend Valentina