Sunday, August 2, 2009

Chlorine Dioxide Mouth Wash

"Love Roma and keep it clean !"... Possibly in silence, I add. You can?

Stop me, please, because one of these days will be making a reckless act.

If you do not change the turn type below, next Sunday at 6 am this morning's shooting down washing machine, refrigerator and do not know what else to do but stop pass and repass, from one side of the road until sent at 10:00! Yes, because now they are 10.15 and there he was again below that cleans and cleans!! But he does, picks up one piece at a time ??????? Leaf to leaf? Yet I do not think that this road is clean as Campo de 'Fiori!

And the "friends" that accompany every day, we want to talk about?? Yes, because they, like the type described above, moreover, not content to do in one fell swoop both sides of the street (you can not do? We advanced in 2000, finding ways !!).. . nooo ... ever ... first bins under my balcony ... all without missing a ... paper, plastic, aluminum cans, but especially that damned glass !!... Then, calmly, it starts, spend five minutes and comes round the other side ... and you're there that you twist and turn over in bed, already exhausted from fighting the heat and begin to pray "God, please, please, do 'at least for now the good man here in a hurry and decide to do both sides together so this torture ends before !"... What deluded ...

IO TE AMO Rome, but let me sleep'!!!!