Friday, June 26, 2009

What To Do About Stomach Pains When Fasting

walk on the moon with you

Thursday, June 25, 2009

What To Wearwithgreyshirt


31-10-88 Dear Diary, how are you? I'm not very good ....
... Right now I'm MICHAEL JACKSON and listening to the song THRILLER precisely. MICHAEL I LOVE YOU! You know, now I'm not that much down, this is all about Michael! In fact, now I feel full of energy and will to live! I do not care anymore ...
Hey you do not know that I'm just in love with Michael and I have so many wonderful things about him. Of course I would like to have many more, but you know there is a lack of spare change! I asked my parents if long ago when the divine Michael will do a concert I will send us, but they said no. They send me only when I'm older, say they are now too small. But I read in several newspapers and on television I heard that Michael will not hold more concerts for various reasons that I can not list. For this reason, I was very disappointed.
.... But here is the scene MAN IN THE MIRROR! "As, I turn up on my favorite winter coat ..." is my favorite song of the magical Michael .. "I'm starting with the man in the mirror ..." and so continues. Too bad you can not hear, it's really a beautiful song as the singer who sings it! ...

1-11-88 Dear Diary, as I said Christmas is soon and you know what I make my own? Make me a tape recorder, a portable stereo dual crown! I'm very happy, so I can record everything I want, but especially the divine and magical MICHAEL, so when I go to camposcuola I will bring it every night to hear the divine MICHAEL!

2-11-88 Dear Diary, I am here again to write and I must say I am very happy. At this very moment started "THE WAY YOU MAKE ME FEEL". It 'beautiful. Today I bought "I mean," he thinks that there is an article dedicated to him talk about where one of the many concerts he has done. There are 6 photos where he's really nice! There is one in particular which raises her arms! now I go to sleep - I love you Michael!

3-11-88 Dear Diary, how are you? me wonderfully! I'm feeling the magnificent MICHAEL JACKSON, namely "I JUST CAN NOT STOP LOVING YOU". ... Today at school ... Sorry if I write badly, but it's not my fault, because I'm feeling MICHAEL, and then drag her beautiful voice and so I do not understand what I write! About Michael today on TV, while I was seeing DEEJAY, some idiot who came forward with Jovanotti, and he showed in his film Moonwalker MICHAEL due out at Christmas! Oh God, how happy I am, I had to see how beautiful it was and how he ran and how she danced! It was, in fact it is unsurpassed! It 'great! now I go .. look at following ... MICHAEL YOU ARE UNBEATABLE!

16-1-88 Dear Diary, how are you? To me quite well. I'm feeling the divine in SMOOTH CRIMINAL MICHAEL. By the way, you know that Christmas will be released in the new film by MJ? It's called Moonwalker Moonwalker as his book and how his dance step MOONWALK. I have seen is that some of his new video clips from the movie. It 's great! It will be released at Christmas, December 24 in Italy. Instead there will be in Paris the very first few days earlier. How I'd love to be there at that moment! ps W MICHAEL JACKSON!

Hello diary, today is Christmas and yesterday I received gifts, including the recorder, double deck! As usual I'm hearing Michael! E 'release the film, I can not wait to go see it! I've seen the footage a thousand times and I've also seen the behind the scenes shots of "Smooth Criminal", the song sung in the movie! It 's wonderful!

Dear Diary .... Today I had a fight with ... when I saw it I became poor, that is BAD! About Bad, and the 28-12-88 14-1-89 Moonwalker I saw at the cinema and at home Alessia which the VCR. It 's wonderful!

Dear Diary I'm so happy! Today I went to buy the watch for my birthday from mom and dad. It 's wonderful, it's a frying pan as I wanted! For gift from my sister, I received the book of Michael Jackson, by Alessia and Fderica t-shirt MICHAEL JACKSON. Now I have: the shirt, the mirror (which I got Pesaro), the cushion, the brooch, bracelet and book by Michael! Are in seventh heaven!

12-6-89 Dear Diary, how are you? You know what my grandmother gave me for the promotion? 100.000 Lit! Wow! I buy shirts there, melted, belts, costumes and lots of wonderful things MICHAEL JACKSON!

23-6-89 Dear Diary, today I'm pretty happy. The other day I came to my house and Alessandro Federica and guess what we saw? MICHAEL! "The legend continues ..." That box is beautiful, there is also nude, in costume and slide off the slide and then falls into the water, the Jackson 5, the concert, everything about everything! The movie and my box is nothing compared with what is wonderful, wonderful! Costa 29,000 pounds, 15,000 pounds I have and I am putting aside the money to buy it!

4-8-89 Dear Diary, the holidays are started and have so much to tell. I knew a guy who makes the disc-jockey, is very good and always puts me .. then Michael told me that he always made me because he liked Michael. In fact, he, Michael, can not see.

22-9-89 Dear Diary, my sister has ruined the tape of Michael, BAD. No, I can not believe. Oh God, what shall I do? I die, I love you Michael! They are full of tears ...

Today I saw the advertisement of Michael Jackson, when the dancing, cool!

I stuck a poster of Michael Jackson, my true idol. This was his first poster that I attached. It 's very nice.

Recently I came back after being gone to be with Alessandro and Federico Via del Corso. I saw the shoes of Michael, THE GEAR. The black ones cost 142,500 lire, and all the other always on percent. What beautiful they are!

I can not wait to come out of Michael Jackson's new LP!

Today I called 3 times a Teleradiostereo to ask Michael Jackson. Replied the answering machine! Wow! It 's the first time! and they did hear me!
I'm listening to Michael Jackson. Sprouts, how I wish the video! Maybe I'll have to after the holidays! His music excites me! I love you Michael!

Dear Michael, I am writing to let you know how I love you and how much I love you. To me you're the only one in the world: I could not live without you. Do not know how much I admire you: you're perfect. Well, almost. Everything you did not matter to me: this is your life and you run it alone. All you criticize for your face! (Among other things sweet). But why, instead of facing (and only) do not see what you have inside and how you express yourself? You are too loud! You are indeed divine! If a God when you dance! And your voice is amazing! I would love to be in America to feel closer you! What to do? You know, 4 years that follow you. Are not many, but as the beginning is not bad! There was a time in my life that never stopped pernsare of you! I looked at 1,000 times per day your videos! You were my only thought! You are my life! It is you who give me the strength to live and continue. It is you who give me the strength to fight! You are more than fabulous! You are magic! Six ET! Who knows how many girls you have written things like that! 100 1000 1000 00 or more! Yes, more. We really love you a lot. Before you leave you want to say one last thing: DO NOT CHANGE NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER ...


MICHAEL JACKSON - You are my whole life, I'll die for you!
MICHAEL JACKSON - You're the most wonderful person in this world!
MICHAEL JACKSON - You are wonderful, great, unique!
MICHAEL JACKSON - You are and always will be the most skilled artist in the world!
MICHAEL JACKSON - You are the dream, you're fancy, you're magic!
MICHAEL JACKSON - While the sun shines I will love you with all my strength!
I'm getting closer to you, my love. I feel you nearby. The other day I saw my friend Stephen told me that talking about the girl knows that you embraced during the concert in Monaco. Her name is Fatima, is from Milan, and is out for you, the rest as I am. Do you realize? I still do not believe it. Your skin, your body she has touched. E 'stronger than me, I gotta know, I have to get in touch with her. I have to touch the shirt he wore that night. Oh Michael, I love you, love you, love you. Answer me, do not succeed do more. I die for you. I love you too much.
Rome about 18.00 hours - Via Veneto - Hotel Majestic - only just returned from England yesterday and today I'm here, and it's fantastic! Davati to your hotel where you stay for these few days. There are so many girls waiting to see you. Also for this reason I am here and I feel something magical in the air, maybe it's your scent. 'm Not crazy about Michael, I love you so much.

Rome at 13:00 Stadio Flaminio - It 's amazing, still can not believe it. You are here with me. We are many out there and we can not wait to see you. Siaccalca the crowd at the gates, I feel overwhelmed, I have no breath, but I can not give up right now, now that you're here. Yes, I'm coming! 'm Running, running as close as possible and filmente see the stage! How exciting! Yes, yes! I know! Are 20.45 and appear on the giant screen your images, classical music surrounds you and I'll call you so much, but you do not get out! But like a bolt from the blue that jumps out and here's our song "JAM". You! Michael Oh, thanks I'll never forget this day!

Michael Jackson won the 35,000 spectators who attended his show at Flaminio. In the musical have been made special effects, tricks and surprises. Numerous protests by local residents for the "volume" of music - The Messenger

Day to remember: this evening on TV there is a concert by ' artist better than ever. It 'a wonderful man, wonderful, amazing to say the least. It 's the star of all time. It 's the singer who revolutionized the music of the 80s and beyond. He is the myth, the legend. MICHAEL JACKSON - HE'S THE KING OF POP
This is dedicated to you, Michael, because you're the only person in the world who understands me and that I really love , so enjoy it, my honey.

The legend continues ... "Do not let nobody take you down baby ..."

Michael Jackson are the best to me! Only you know give me the right boost to make me feel happy! But what have you so strong? Why so you can easily transform my life every time I see you, you hear? I love you. I do not know. I just know that I could not feel good if I knew your life was in danger. I hope this never happens. Also I want to die before you, why not stand NEVER, NEVER just have to watch your f. Do not write it either. It 'something that has to be impossible because I love you!

13/01/1993 Human beings, potentially they could fly. I'm just not capable of doing just that thoughts can make them levitate from the earth. MJ
human beings, but a few, can improve. I'm just not able to tell the truth, if only to stop telling lies. (Dedicated to the "journalists"). FT

Dear Michael, I do not care what people think: I love you and will never stop doing it. Your voice, your face, your image, your movements, your music are things that give me a thousand emotions. YOU ARE INSIDE OF ME Michael, you're part of me. Now I can not do without you. Others believe it is the usual teenage crush, but it is not Michael, believe me. It is not nice. I stay here, without seeing, without speaking. Never fade this fire that burns inside of me, Michael! Why are you so far? Why can not you see? You are and will always be in my heart.

Finally the world has realized who you are, that is the most adorable person, but at the same time, the saddest and most in need of affection. How stupid journalists! Finally the truth has come to light! But how bad is the truth! As soon as I heard, a dagger killed me. It's not fair! not fair! why you! Please Michael, have faith, I am with you. Michael, I love you ...

Misfortune haunts me! No way! He had just been adjusted and now what do I do that damn video? I broke the video at the point where Michael had recorded with the kids! I want to die! Help! It's not fair! => This is all that remains of those beautiful image ...

I want to hear your music at full volume and sing with him certainly I write three or four letters and these days I will send them to him . I have already prepared the bad of the first. Teleradiostereo I called to ask if I make it with "Remember the time" mix. Let's hope so.

"She wants to give it, she wants to give it one thing in life you must undestand ..." Yeah, I'm listening to the mo beloved treasure. In his Cameratta I attached a poster and is really well.

Sent first letter to Treasury.

Today on Radio Lab, on Videomusic there was a discussion about Michael Jackson and his illness. They came thousands of phone calls from her fans and not (however few) and was also among the many mine. I gave him four but I would rather tell him millecinque! MICHAEL I LOVE YOU!
Sent second letter to Treasury.
Michael Jackson, what would the world be without you? Would go to hell!

Sent third letter to Treasury.
Sent fourth letter to Treasury.

Sent fifth letter to Treasury.

Today was released new video of Michael & Eddie Murphy: "Whatzupwitu", still have not seen it but I can not wait!

Sent sixth letter to Treasury.

Seventh Letter Sent to treasure.

Dear Michael, how are you? It 'a little' time I see you a little down, why do not you eat? No matter whether you are a vegetarian, but eat a little '! You're so skinny! I'm sorry to see you so! I would be there beside you and talk, talk ... I love you so, you know? Saturday afternoon I go home Alessia makes me see your own video!
And this year is gone. What an effort though! Tomorrow I have to write to Michael ... In fact, last week I have not written because I had told him that I would have killed June 1 when I answered! Yes, I know, I'm a deranged, but he should definitely meet! I so much I know, I will know one day! Yes, yes! It will be a Red Ronnie let me know! I required only a minute, just enough to tell him I believe in him and I can not live without him! MICHAEL I LOVE YOU TOO! TI will know '!

Dear Michael, last night I saw you on TV during the awards ceremony. You will have won three and you were really good. Too bad you did not sing and dance. I would have loved! You were so sweet! I have no words! I LOVE YOU.
On 9 July I left for Dublin. I bought 4 books of Michael, two videotapes and two audiotapes.

Dear Michael, all of these pages are devoted to you, you're my only reason for living. Do not get down, you know we love you so and that we love you madly. No matter what disease you have. You are beautiful in all things, even if I had a problem or even AIDS, me and everyone else tiamo to infinity. Then we go, "lasica not nothing get you down, ok?
... Now I read and hear a little of music of my beloved Michael, now, moreover, was charged with "rape of a child"! What a laugh! Of course I do not know what to invent to annoy people! However, thanks Michael!

How many people shoot that crap! But we are mad? We think so and thought it was true I almost even for a millisecond! Michael raping a child?? A child, the only joy of his life? Why have it with you, my darling? Yet you did not hurt anyone, but everyone will be thrown on him and try to tarnish your name. I But Earl is, I believe in you, and will always defend your person because there is no individual more good, more expensive, more sweet and sensitive as you.
Adoratissimo Michael, in two days is your birthday and I think that this will be the worst you've ever spent. What I feel about you now know, and then I will not dwell too much to describe my endless love to you. It 'difficult, however, does not describe the gioial, happiness, bliss, the frenzy that I feel in listening to the your sweet voice, in admiring your beautiful face with those big eyes so large and fresh demanded a little peace. The peace that you cerando is just around the corner. I know you are in great to find it, well, come on, do what you deem right and infischiatene once and for all what people say. Live your life, be happy, too. Forget everything and everybody. Besides music, of course. We both know that it is only music that gives you the strength to continue, "he continues to dance ... and dancing ... and dancing ... until ... there is only the dance." These are your words and you should take inspiration from them, my love. Do not let others intimidate you. "You're behind the wall, you're fear, you're bad, you're dangerous "! Have faith, child, and do not let anything get you down.

I'm just no energy. I feel bad. How is it that people have the courage to say these things? Why? Why? Because they want to destroy Michael? Why have it with him? not suffer enough already? you have not already made us suffer and what do you want more? are 10 years and over who were behind the , why do not you leave it alone? "Oh Michael, I love you, and I can not tolerate the injustice that we inflict. I'll be strong though, I will not let you ruin again. Do not die please.

Gary, Indiana 29/08/1958
E 'this is the day that humanity remembered for centuries.
E 'this is the best day for Joe and Katherine.
E 'is born this day in the most adorable person in the world.
Michael Jackson - The King of Pop.
Today, my love, over 35 years. How quickly time passes, eh?! Best wishes from whom you esteem a lot.


* WARNING * This journal is mostly dedicated to Michael Jackson. E 'at your own risk reading these pages. If you start with the assumption that you intend to discuss already about what I wrote you can put it back where it was, otherwise see and accept in silence. I do not intend to explain why I respect him and I appreciate that so much of people who do not understand at all. CLEAR?!?