Monday, October 27, 2008

Sean Cody Special Rate

MetroA ...

... Indeed, the last wagon, the last door, direction Battistini, Monday through Friday, at 08.20/08.35 ...

Most find it already in the usual place, but on the "proper" place ... because we, who take the MetroA years, we have each a place like say, "already assigned" ... we have not bought, but it is understood and tacitly accepted by all of us that the focus should be the couple of guys who go down to the Republic ... she blonde with Barbie's face, his brown pants with high waist, such as jute sack, and that given the history, it has nothing to do with Ken ... Mr. Bean's deeper ... and with his back the wall is rather the gentleman with white hair and thick, again with the newspaper in his hands and goggles with the strap around his neck ...

There are many, many, changing every day ... I lost count ... My fellow travel. Many I could tell which bus went up even though physically I was not there ... I do not know why ... our eyes, our attitudes ... everything is about us, our lives ... we understand, it's as if everyone knew who is the other ...

If you take the subway like me for years know how we should move, for example, as you must if you have to place without having to stop to ask who in front of you ... and able to do with the right manners is not all .... Because there is a sort of underground passenger etiquette ... and, in my opinion, should assign a license to enable a person to take this form ... and on, you must be capable of! I could recognize them from miles away who have never set foot in this place ... and every time I wonder ... but today you had to take it ???... There are all kinds ... details are tourists, both foreigners (but I say, you need to take the subway at rush hour all 50?) and Italian (heinous, especially in spring, when Rome is full ... "backpack and comfortable shoes" ... couples, families and grandparents ... you go on the run, they do not, I'm on vacation ... have never been in their capital, and just today they are there ... and I should be happy about it? Hey here is people who go to work, going to go ahead with the country! And you see that look to get rid of the blessed day is not today) ... and those who are here, but their arm is on the wagon ... clever eh?

But my favorite one is the type of "Cinema Paradiso" ... do you remember the scene when he enters the room and greets all the latest viewer, a film already started, shouting "Good health to all!" ... You know ... him, in meters, is one who, standing on the dock, not only is out of the way down to the people, but once it comes his turn is a single, damn, one step inside the car ... looks around ... quiet, peaceful, think about where to go and place ... but does not move ... she smiles ... so he went, he has done it ... all the time ... and those behind him, who can not get there because of him middle?? Ah boh ... it's not your problem ... Good health to all!

of rude people they have crammed the metro ... first of all that bald guy, little more than forty years old who thinks he is the only father in the world that brings her daughter to kindergarten and, in front of children because we do not stand still, then believes he has every right to go with strollers, baby bags and followed the ridge and into a wagon filled with people for whom there is hardly the place. Unfortunately, he feels entitled to get into those conditions and not think twice to fit on to people, take possession of nearly 5 if not more places and read the paper as if nothing had ... wait for one with greater capacity for self and to his followers not? Now that's impropriety ...

At my stop, years ago, there was a tall, dark, thin thin, with a goatee and a backpack always over his shoulder every day ... we sat side by side waiting for the "door sardines" (what was once the Metro A of Rome ... get to work or school was more than a company ... who could we felt a miracle ... if you reached the goal you were a strong ... you could almost get a medal every day to be able to survive, but also to be able to get inside this little box ... ah ... the good old days ....) expected in the morning ... ... and we went together in the center ... who knows what happened ... never a word, never a smile ... I did not like physically, but it would certainly be interesting and intelligent talk a bit 'so many times ... I was just going to do it, but then I thought ... why does not he? Why do I always do myself the first step? ... In the wake of these stupid thoughts we have lost sight of him ... or just changed the time ... I just know that Xigia of 2008 would not have hesitated for a moment ...
Today, near the bench is the eighth dwarf ... a guy (okay, let's call boy) down, balding, blue eyes, roly-poly and always staring .. aho on me ... but I draw because I just unlucky? And Daje rising only when I go up or down and then block me ... and I do not know and re-ignored ... oh well come on, all added tenezza ago ... seems like a furry teddy bear ... uh ... just that ...
But there's also a bit 'away, sometimes accompanied by a colleague (I think ... yes ... I think) that guy always well-dressed twenty-four' hours in hand, blue eyes and the scent of freshly made shower ... the first time I met him I was back home ... I feel lost in my thoughts all of a sudden his eye on me, I turn and, of course I would not hesitate to lower his eyes, continued to look at me. And I, that I enjoy this, I supported his eyes, pissed off because I was distracted because I can not stand to be set as an extra-terrestrial ... I overcame me, my eyes practically said that caz you looking at? (Carucci, then you wonder why you're alone) and he Porello, looked away ... from that day we meet quite often and the game repeats itself ... sometimes he wins, I ... more drops to the Republic, like me long ago and ... continued on escalators that only began as a challenge ... then I left him on the right and you are greeted ... sometimes I meet him in the evening ... and on time, when we go down to our stop, he is ahead of me and, before turning the corner towards the exit, turn an eye ... and good evening to you ...

Another decisive meeting it chanced once to the Terms and then is repeated almost every day ... was my first stop so I had every right, after the passengers get on and off, placed in front of the door, thereby communicating to everyone that the next was "my" ... with the i-nano at full volume began to sing without making a sound, so no one sees me, they are all behind me ... with the vague and do not mind I find I have in front of "Terms of the boy" ... he also the same place, next to the last bench, shortly after the arched entrance to the pier, with their backs against the wall waiting for the subway "right", the one where you can enter without feeling suppress or at least without being stuck to virtually anyone ... my ... I realize that I sang about 40 seconds of "Without Words" looked straight at me ... when I wake up I know who I'm facing ... I feel a little ... anyway Fantozzi ...

my stop and Termini then become a major step in my daily journey to hell. Luckily there are two of them ... And

Xigia where you find it?

Xigia until a few months ago had a choice between the right and one on the left of the entrance, standing to the side, without obstructing the passage of any person, but always at the forefront ... almost hidden I squeezed into tiny quell'angoletto and you'll hardly notice me because I was not out of trouble some, but from there I had full control of everything happening around me ... I had the freedom to move like I wanted more, without touch him or hear anyone ...
Today Xigia goes right across the car, still far away from the entrance, but with a good view and with a smile for all her traveling companions ...

the morning I feel that all of us, a little later, we will work with a network of gears and I wonder if, at the end of the day, we met for the product.
I wish you all good day, hope everyone that theirs is better than mine, in fact, rather than wish I feel it is a certainty.

So the evening, at the last car, direction Anagnina the meeting is always with my traveling companions, but their faces, compared to what happens the first leg, are always new ... my schedules do not can never be the same, but what they express their eyes I see back home are the same feelings .. today is gone ... I'm tired ... going home ... the lights go down and goodnight to the musicians.

PS Speaking of subway I can not forget the companion travel that I never knew ... Alessandra Lisi, the only victim of the October 17, 2006 ... and in those days that I think we realized what all of us to our daily lives are all close to one '... the other plaque commemorating the tragic event is always in front of my eyes at the stop Vittorio Emanuele, a greeting and a prayer are not enough.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Places Similar To Dave And Busters In Nj

... like cherries ...

Rome, November 15 - Palalottomatica - confirmed!
Pesaro, November 29 - Bpa Palace - confirmed!
Perugia, December 13 - PalaSport Evangelisti - confirmed!
Milan, December 15 - DatchForum (Assam) - pending

Thursday, October 2, 2008

How Long Ativan Detected In Urine

Just a little ...

But why does it all with one voice?
I know why ... there is a person behind that voice to be discovered ...
and I'm curious ... very very curious ...
... want to see me go and shoot again in trouble already lived?
... and will be very very difficult to stop ...
... because when I want something I do everything for it ...
.. and nothing can stop me ...
... mmm ... gimbene ...