Monday, September 22, 2008

Vodafone Sim Card Cost

The company that does the flag

Alitalia - Italian Airlines SpA flies passengers and cargo around the world since 1947. Today, Alitalia is still the airline for Italians and for all those who choose Italy as final destination of your journey and as a hub for other destinations, enhancing the geographical position of our country .

These are the first lines you read the "about us" on the home page of our former company di bandiera. Senza soffermarmi a commentare (non ne ho le competenze) sul di chi è la colpa o su quali sono le cause che hanno portato a quello che stiamo vivendo in questi giorni, molto seplicemente, se permettete a me dispiace.

Dispiace da un punto di vista etico, sociale.
Dispiace pensare di non avere più una compagnia aerea di bandiera.
Dispiace pensare che fra qualche giorno non ci sarà più un pezzo della nostra storia.

Non so, in un certo senso mi sento orfana, un pò abbandonata.

The Alitalia brand has always summed up the values \u200b\u200bof history, security and "Italian - it - as a synonym for spontaneity and warmth.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Playing Pokemon Emerald Very Fast

'400 THE ROME - The Renaissance of Art from Donatello to Perugino

Yesterday, late afternoon, I went to the newfound Sciacquapiatti Museo del Corso in the exhibition "The 400 in Rome "... A small overview of the "social, urban, religious and art of Rome in the fifteenth century."

The room dedicated to the great artists and dedicated to life civil and religious are the most fascinating, in my humble opinion.

I highly recommend a visit, it's worth it.

Small anecdote: surveillance is very high, meaning that the number of vigilance is at least 4 per visitor, you feel almost surrounded, everywhere you turn there is someone in the security or reception (ie girls in uniform, all face no smile) that will monitor and follow you ... but this is not enough to stop and Tambourines Sciacquapiatti be recognized by ...

Tambourines : captured by the Rape of the Sabine (Bartholomew of John) leans up to admire carefully brush strokes on the canvas ... this event going on in her a strong emotion, but also the alarm that the museum began to howl and that brings with it the overseer, who, accustomed to such events, with a withering glance that the poor in a hurry admits the mistake and apologizes. Meanwhile Sciacquapiatti moves away from tambourines and with angry eyes, looks around as if to say: "I do not know ! I was close to the case! But what a shame! People do not know precisely how to behave in a museum! !

Sciacquapiatti : captured by the Madonna and Child (Perugino) is sporge fino ad ammirare con estrema attenzione le pennellate sulla tela... evento questo che accende in lei una forte emozione e non l'allarme del Museo stavolta... ma il suo cellulare....che comincia ad ululare con quella suoneria " mi chiamo cucciolo, sono un gattino che ti chiama lallalala" (*) e che porta con sè il sorvegliante, il quale, abituato a tale eventi, fulmina con uno sguardo Sciacquapiatti che in tutta fretta ammette l'errore e si scusa. Nel mentre Tamburelli si avvicina ai due, guarda dritto negli occhi il ragazzotto e, puntando il dito contro la poveretta di turno, afferma: " è stata lei!!! è suo il cellulare che suona! io glielo avevo detto di spegnerlo!! io non has nothing to do! "

Today in msn:
Tambourines to Sciacquapiatti: going to see another show?
Sciacquapiatti tapping: I think it was a rumor and there do more than get in the museums of Rome!

(*) ok, is not it, was a classic tone, but the story was all right there ;-)