Sunday, June 22, 2008

Time Dilation In Mechanical Clock

Euro 2008: Spain - Italy

E 'finished the first half.

I do not know why, I do not know why. But every time he plays the national team we are all for her.

Some say that the Europeans "pull" less than the World Cup. Perhaps it is true, maybe not. I only know that does not pass a car that does not fly a fly, there's no one on the street.

I only know that I studied all day despite a beautiful sunny day, the first of this summer ... and all I did ... but at 20.45 there is no story for anyone.

I do not know why but I'm here alone I am touched and sing the anthem along with the "boys" who I am sure we are doing everything they to win.

And I think when you do not always go well, as during the first few games ... all ready to throw mud on their coach first.

Maybe there's a reason we do not accept defeat ... we know to be good, to be the best and not be able to prove it hurts ... I think the huge disappointment, the pain in many years we tried every time we lost an important game. Feeling that none of us wants to relive now that we are the World Champions.

And now we're playing this European, now that we beat back those snooty the French (and for me is enough!) We are all united, we feel "Italian" as the only football and the World two years ago made us feel. Indelible memories for all of us in our hearts, emotions that can hardly be described.

Do not tell me that Europeans are different from the World Cup. You hear the cheering at the stadium there ... I feel Clarita from London and its 15 Italian friends screaming and inciting. And the silence of the city can only remember what happened nell'estate 2006...

Può piacere e non piacere questa Nazionale, ma io lo so che in questo momento siamo tutti attaccati agli schermi e non vediamo l'ora di urlare SIAMO CAMPIONI D'EUROPA!!!!!

E posso dire solo una cosa... vincere o perdere, non importa... noi, i tifosi, ci saremo sempre!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Paddleboat For Sale,fl


Nella radicata consapevolezza che musica e poesia
“accendono la mente su orizzonti che temiamo persi”….
in that constant "urge to live and desire to hear" ....
sincere gratitude to those certain emotions
always manage to steal ...