Monday, April 9, 2007

18 Week Old Four Feeds A Day

[Characters] Marge

Many will remember but if you do not Marghe alias Tifosotta was a few years ago one of the first examples of virtual celebrities. A sort of forerunner of the characters without art nor part of Big Brother and related. After a few years we have found still in business on the road and decided to give free rein to interview. Online course!

Hello Maghera. Would you explain what you have to up your reputation online?

Actually my "reputation" is due to a misunderstanding with some patrons of ISCM (the newsgroup of the Italian Milan fans note) that caught me "in sympathy" and believe a spammer a troll just because I posted the link of my first website. We are talking about the year 1999 and 2000. Since then I have struck, to say the least, bringing hundreds of curious people to visit my pages.

Yes, but you can not deny that you like "appear". You have tried in every way to show off by opening many sites talking about you and everything you do.

My site was opened when no one site and still did not have any girls of 14 years. What I had to say, if you do not speak of my life and my interests? However, I am careful to talk about serious issues and dramatic. I only speak of my tastes, where I live, my house, my cat. Things to read, I expose myself on the blog with opinions on moral and social issues, but did not hit singles or show partisanship politics.

really want to convince us that you are not vain and do not feel no pleasure to be the object of curiosity, even negative, of others?

Until target a world that I trash it, wittily I have created, is fine with me. They are not "vain" Physically, I have an idea of \u200b\u200broad appearance. Let me give you an example. If you do not care very much my look I have 100 fans, if I "imputtanisco" I have 10,000. But I was really interested in those 9900 attracted just looking? No. That's because in a sense I do not care that much. I am vain but mentally. " Subisco the prejudice which the female is almost always just considered according to the canon of physical beauty, while I do so many things. Study architecture, design, write stories, open sites, I am interested in music and hairstyle. Let's say you are an example of "feminist activities," Pass me the expression.

Certainly not shine for the gift of synthesis.

You are talkative, I told you I often ask questions that people have moved randomly on the forum and then in the end I used to. If I have to be a leader an interview I can not impersonate the perfect stranger.

Yes, but I have not Enzo Biagi!

Exactly interview with the star reporter of the poor and the poor.

We understand that you feel a little 'character, you find that you lack a bit' of irony?

I think that often people take me seriously because I do not use emoticons (the hate) so often that I say some things are considered serious. Certainly not the person "less touchy in the world" (a dual negation is an affirmation Ed). Perhaps the fault of the schools I attended who were too authoritarian.

What do you do in "real life" when you're not the Marghe of your sites?

In real life? I do not separate the two lives. The PC is always on, while studying, I watch the telly, or do the cleaning, even while they're at university. There is no "ON-OFF". Definitely use the Internet as a social experiment about what people think about when anonymity makes sincere, this helps me sometimes everything properly in real life. Thank God I never had any disagreements with a professor, I have friends, mostly musicians, a boy and all the rest. Also living in 2000 km from home internet is a bond with the family and friends. Though with more moderation, are overactive and dynamics as they appear on my site.

You went from teenage manga music Metal. The little girl a bit 'naive became a metalheads who writes erotic stories. Can you explain your evolution / revolution?

In my sites I have dealt with the order of Jim Carrey, Milan and Dragonball. Subsequently sexy stories and now I write about Metal, bass, and the world hairlover.

For the first year of high school is the stage Jim Carrey, Milan etc.. In the fourth high school, in full hormonal storm, but chaste, I approached and I tried to it.sesso.racconti I write. Who read me was certainly drawn to the rarity of a female writer , minor and caste.

're Sicilian, you do not have physique du role of provocative but I like to write erotic stories. What is your relationship with sex and real with those images?

In Sicily, my friends from high school "Porcheggiavano lot" (sic), but widespread hypocrisy because officially they were all saints. I that "holy" I was really, I found an outlet in the stories. I like sex more imagined than real. I think sex is part imagined and dreamed of the "true". Many women confess that they think of fantasies, even during the act, do not forget that the most important sex organ is the mind and for me writing was a kind of "mental masturbation". Personally I do not like sex stories out of the series (although I do respect those who do it) and I had only one important story.

You feel a Melissa P. Failure?

Well that Melissa P. came after me: P Anyway, I do everything that excites me, carcinogenic if darkening the oppressive culture where I grew up would mark me for life. I must say that I took a road as a lifestyle very different from the typical Sicilian, not only about sex, but as interest, attitudes and so on.

What do you see in your future? A archittetto? A rock star? A writer of that?

an architect I think I'll be very pragmatic, linked to the world of engineering and finance, with a nice car and a beautiful act, perhaps with a companion or a husband, perhaps, more in there, with one or two children, but not stop playing, writing and drawing.

Your honor and your fault.

are touchy, but fair.

You regret ...

have taken the bike on the day of the accident.

're proud of ...

have done what I wanted despite the negative influences of the culture of a male-dominated village.

Facts give yourself a question and answer.

The question I ask myself is whether I'm happy to be born a woman (whereas women have to work hard tantisimo to be valued in the profession, in sports, the arts) the answer is basically Yes, because women have always done what I wanted, and I hope it will be so even in my future profession.

What do you think of this interview and your interviewer?

The reporter looks like to one of my assistants most evil and one day I felt like a star.

Marghe Greetings!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Astringent After Waxing

[Characters] Richard Benson

was born in London in 1955 but lives and works in Rome. Marilyn Manson all'amatriciana, owes its national reputation with recent appearances in Free Style, transmission, Rai Due conducted by Max Giusti, where he plays the role of an unlikely musical critic. Richard Benson is not clear where the character ends vaudeville, made the target of a Roman goliardia teasing shots and assorted vegetables, and where it begins to rock-metal guitarist with a good international reputation. Satan (?) Grisù dangerous as the dragon, screaming and yelling under his black wig doing the same impression of Donald Duck on Uncle Scrooge. Can play the guitar, that's for sure, and probably also knows the international music but the effect of his presence in public is enough to inspire tragicomic tenderness when he tries to defend himself by teasing that his "fans" loved-hated the reserve no discounts. It would be was a perfect character for the company that Alberto Sordi played in "Stardust." If there is or there is not know for sure Richard Benson can not be missed. Simply amazing the gloss of this video that sums up all the character Benson: "What the fuck m'avete pulled on the guitar?! ... It is all sugar !!".! More than Benson described the character to be seen, heard and understood! Youtube is a rich mine of its performance: Do not miss it!